Long have the Rynstr clan roamed the Eretejva Tundra. Long have they honed their crafts. Legends speak of their works. Swords with blades that melt the oldest of ice. Cloaks of fur harder than the toughest steel. Horns that command beasts with their blows. Harps that sooth dreamers from their greatest terrors. It is said they could turn river stones into the purest of gold. Rust the purest of steel in moments.
Chieftains and yarls repeatedly have sought to learn the secrets of the Rynstr to use towards their own selfish goals. Those seeking power bring violence to the Rynstr. The Rynstr only care about their works. So age after age they would settle and grow only to abandon their homes to seek the next. But eventually they broke their cycle. They retreated deep into the unexplored wilds. Legends say they built their final home, lost to the world.
Every few years a Rynstr or two will appear. In a town, a hall, a lodge. They will seek trade. They will seek to prove the superiority of their crafts. A yarl gains a new crown. A warrior a new sword. A chieftain a new cloak. And then they will be gone. Back into the wilds they call home before the ambitious can seek them out.
A tall norseman with tanned skin always seeking to become fair once more. Rich honey colored hair grows long on his head and thick across his face. Eyes that mixture of green and brown foreigners would refer to as hazel. Thick muscles make up his figure suggesting a warrior when only a crafter is found. Blue tattoos have been etched into his skin covering his torso and all four of his limbs in what could be either the roots of a mighty tree or veins of an extensive ore deposit. Little scars and burns can be found all over his arms and hands, and even a few on his chest, that tell of every little mistake he had endured pursuing his craft. Claw marks appear across his thighs, heavier on his right and lighter on his left, tell the tale of a bear hunt that did not go well.
Representation of tattoos:
Representation of tattoos:

Skills and Abilities
Craftsman: Tyrfingr is a gifted craftsman. Born into a clan with the sole focus on making masterworks out of any and all materials, he was trained from the time he could hold something in his hand how to make anything he wanted. Be it stone, wood, bone, metal, etc if it can be worked into something then he has the knowledge and experience to do it.
Transmutation Magic: The Rynstr clan is not the most magically gifted of clans, but they are known for a particular kind of magic: transmutation. Tyrfingr is blessed with this gift. He is able to transmute substances using his magic, such as turning lead into gold. He is able to grant or take away properties from materials as well, such as rusting iron or wool stronger than steel. Using this magic he is also able to draw out the innate magical properties find deep within the core of things. By using it this way he can effectively craft magical artifacts and enchant his materials.
His magic comes with some drawbacks however. It can not work on living beings, although it does work on their parts after death. Leather, ivory, bone, etc. His magic also requires time and focus to work leaving it highly impractical for combat. The best he could do is infuse his weapon with magical energy so that it can effect beings otherwise immune to mundane things. If he attempted to do more than this most basic of magical application the slightest break in his concentration would lead to his weapon or armor crumbling to dust leaving him utterly vulnerable. The magic is also physically draining to perform, particularly when change one substance into another. Turning a pebble into gold could leave him feeling as if he has been awake for days. Turning a brick into gold could leave him bedridden for over a week.
Hunting: While not on the level of a dedicated hunter, Tyrfingr has above average skill in hunting. The Rynstr believe in their craftsman obtaining their materials themselves. This means if they want the hide, bones, or any other part of a specific creature they need to hunt, fish, or forage for it themselves. He has learned the skills to do this and is dedicated enough to his craft to have kept these skills sharp.
Transmutation Magic: The Rynstr clan is not the most magically gifted of clans, but they are known for a particular kind of magic: transmutation. Tyrfingr is blessed with this gift. He is able to transmute substances using his magic, such as turning lead into gold. He is able to grant or take away properties from materials as well, such as rusting iron or wool stronger than steel. Using this magic he is also able to draw out the innate magical properties find deep within the core of things. By using it this way he can effectively craft magical artifacts and enchant his materials.
His magic comes with some drawbacks however. It can not work on living beings, although it does work on their parts after death. Leather, ivory, bone, etc. His magic also requires time and focus to work leaving it highly impractical for combat. The best he could do is infuse his weapon with magical energy so that it can effect beings otherwise immune to mundane things. If he attempted to do more than this most basic of magical application the slightest break in his concentration would lead to his weapon or armor crumbling to dust leaving him utterly vulnerable. The magic is also physically draining to perform, particularly when change one substance into another. Turning a pebble into gold could leave him feeling as if he has been awake for days. Turning a brick into gold could leave him bedridden for over a week.
Hunting: While not on the level of a dedicated hunter, Tyrfingr has above average skill in hunting. The Rynstr believe in their craftsman obtaining their materials themselves. This means if they want the hide, bones, or any other part of a specific creature they need to hunt, fish, or forage for it themselves. He has learned the skills to do this and is dedicated enough to his craft to have kept these skills sharp.
Cheerful, whimsical, generous. Tyrfingr takes to heart those behaviors most cherished by the people of the tundra. Rarely without a smile on his lips and a burst of laughter bubbling up from his chest, he does not take things to heart and is ready to give a hot meal or missing coin to those in need. A merrier man ready to sing, badly out of tune, you will not find.
Stubborn, boastful, unyielding. Tyrfingr is as much the worst parts of his people as he is their best. A boar would be easier to deal with than him when he decides to dig his heels in. Once he has set his mind to something he will not stop till it is done. He won't back down when he should and often makes things worse for himself because of it. As much trouble as those get him in, he also has a bad habit of boasting. He is eager to let all know of his accomplishments and even more eager to take on any challenge that will bring him glory.
Stubborn, boastful, unyielding. Tyrfingr is as much the worst parts of his people as he is their best. A boar would be easier to deal with than him when he decides to dig his heels in. Once he has set his mind to something he will not stop till it is done. He won't back down when he should and often makes things worse for himself because of it. As much trouble as those get him in, he also has a bad habit of boasting. He is eager to let all know of his accomplishments and even more eager to take on any challenge that will bring him glory.