"A couple of hours," Tuon said over her shoulder, casting her eyes briefly over the other woman. No green tinge touched her skin and her lips had not gone blue; it seemed luck would be on their side and she would reach the wall without dying. Naz gave a coo that had her turning back to face the...
Tuon felt Cygnet grow heavy on her back as the girl drifted off to sleep. She considered if it was worth forcing her to stay awake due to her blood less and in the end decided against it; sleep was the greatest of all healers. It would also mean she was less aware of the pain which would...
Nazharul let out a low growl as the group climbed upwards, desperately seeking to get above the darkness that had rolled in. Her father and mother both had told her of the odd, unnatural magic the Jarlax possessed and the reasons why they were so dangerous for dragon-kind. A single touch and...
Once Tuon was certain Nazharul wasn't about to launch himself at the other dragon for the dirty look thrown in his direction, the cadet clambered on and sat herself in the front position of the saddle.
"Oh, it was no big deal. Technically I wasn't meant to leave the Ōmeyōcān - it was supposed...
Outer City, Harbour
It was her father who waded in to help the Wall Guard in his hollering. Izaiah Stryker was a known man in these parts, a friend to the poor despite the station his family had managed to obtain for themselves. Those who were not listening to Trask quickly listened to him...
Tuon gave the other Rider a moment to speak with her dragon as she made her way over to Nazharul. The jewelled dragon lowered his snout down to her level until one topaz eye was level with her. She pressed her hand gently to his cheek and he leant into the touch, a soft hum emanating from his...
Naz pulled back his lips to growl right back in the other dragon's face, his long neck slithering forward so his head rested just over Tuon, casting her into his shadow. She tried to suppress a sigh.
"I would say I could ride with you but I don't think that is going to happen," she eyed Dusk...
"You'll pull all the stitches out if your dragon drags you off on another wyvern chase," Tuon pressed her lips together disapprovingly and glanced at Dusk with a meaningful look. Naz gave a snorting huff behind her that she knew was laughter. She pushed a hand through her wet hair and then shook...
Suddenly a call went up from amongst the black dragon squadron. An order to retreat. Those who were injured spared no time in spearing their way towards the caves, and those who had the upper hand threw the fresh faces a sinister smirk before following suit.
"Is it me or has it got... darker?"...
Tuon's brows rose when Cygnet revealed how the pair had bonded. It was not unheard of for a dragon to interfere in the lives of humans unprovoked, but it was a rarity such that Tuon had never met a person with a similar claim and she had lived amongst dragons and the Ascended her whole life. If...
You're a rider.
"Thank you," Tuon wondered if she would ever not feel that swelling sense of pride when someone called her such. She finished off the final stitch and then bit the leftover thread off. "My family have all done the Rising, so it was expected but... nothing is guaranteed. If...
Tuon couldn't help but think about to their flight training and how Nazharul also refused to give up the chase when she called for it. It had nearly ended in their death, or so she had thought until he revealed the jewelled dragons unique abilities.
"Me? Oh I have a day off. I'm only a cadet...
"I'm okay," Tuon reassured Nazharul with a gentle pat to the dragons neck. He had reacted in taking them out of harms way before she had even registered there was harm to be faced. His muscled were bunched and tensed beneath her and through the bond she could feel the confusing bundle of panic...
Tuon grimaced as the sudden clutching of her wrist nearly made her insert the needle in the wrong place - something she doubted her dragon Dusk would forgive her for.
"Careful," she warned and eased the girls hand off her wrist. She cast a wary eye up at the dragon quite literally breathing...
As the shadows retreated, Tuon held her breath waiting to see what size of squad waited for them to tackle... but nothing appeared.
The ravine appeared completely deserted. Even the black dragon they had sighted earlier appeared to have dissolved with the shadows at the onslaught of light. A...
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