Recent content by Tona

  1. Tona

    Open Chronicles A Spiring City

    Malakath was truly a beautiful land. A savage, deadly, and secret keeping land, but breathtakingly gorgeous to behold. And how much more so when seen from high above, where the clouds lived! Certainly it was easier to appreciate the continent's grace and charms when said charms were too far away...
  2. Tona

    The serpent's tooth bites not so ill, as doth the scholar's angry quill.

    The serpent's tooth bites not so ill, as doth the scholar's angry quill.
  3. Tona

    Fate - First Reply The Pits of Akah

    MALAKATH - Thagretis, Zordheshiyn Cathedral "Good? It's a good nightmare, that's what it is Tona! Brazen heretics walk the streets proclaiming that the Holy Elder Dragon is dead! The Archprophet has not called for a single arrest or made any attempt to stop these lies! And yet Highpriest...
  4. Tona T'lon