
Teriteqas of the Nafas


Biographical information
Amol-Kalit 362 Amol-Kalit
Physical description
Abtati (sand elf) Male Average Fit Black Amber Caramel
Political information
Out-of-character information


Teriteqas is rather typical for an Abtati. He is average in height with a fit build from a lifetime of living in the sands of Amol-Kalit. He has the typical amber eyes and black hair kept short common for his kind as well. He is a young adult and his complexion reflects this fact.

Where Teriteqas begins to look unique is in his tribal marks. The resurrection plant is tattooed across the left side of his neck and face with it going so low as onto his shoulder and upper torso. It is a dark green from the ink used made from the plant represented and minerals collected from the desert. He contains earrings made from gold in both ears with an extra loop on his left ear. A nasty scar clearly from some kind of beast trails across his face from under his left eye down, over his lips, and then ends somewhere on the right side of his chin.

Skills and Abilities

Magic: Teriteqas is capable of magic like most of his kind. His skills extend to illusion, geomancy, and some nature magics. His skill with magic is average for his kind and can be called adept at best. He is no master of magic although is no beginner either. He is rather unique in his ability to also cast nature magic which allows him to communicate with the living things of the desert, both animals and plants. He is able to command those with weaker wills and weaker minds. He is able to draw out as well as seep life into other living things, although to a limited degree. He is capable of changing himself into animals smaller than himself, but doing so comes with the risk of losing his sense of self and being stuck in that shape until someone else can force him to turn back if he gets knocked out while shifted.

Martial: Teriteqas comes from a rather martial people. He is trained and experienced with the use of bows, daggers, spears, shields, and single handed swords. His people rarely wear more than lighter armors, so he is use to fighting without any armor or with little on him. While this might be seen as a disadvantage to most, the mobility and flexibility of this style of fighting has become core to how he handles himself in combat.

Survivalist: Teriteqas is an expert survivalist, specifically in the desert. Be it tracking prey, finding water, or finding his way through unfamiliar and rather hostile terrain, he has spent his whole life learning and honing his ability to survive in the harshest of environments.

Crafty: Teriteqas always had an interest in crafting things, be it making clothing of cloth and leather, polishing and carving bone and gems, shaping gold and silver into jewelry, or any other little tasks. His skills with crafts extends only onto clothing and crafting trinkets and accessories. He has no skill at smithing, carpentry, or engineering. This skill in crafts though does aid him in creating and disarming traps as well as in getting into basic and some complex locks.


Teriteqas is a rather serious and quiet person on the surface. He can be a bit of a kill joy by not playing along with jokes. But this is only how he is with those he does not know. Underneath he is rather relaxed. He prefers to be active with his hands and just casual conversation in quiet places over being around a large group of people. He has a fondness for animals and is known to feed and pet them.

Teriteqas is religious. His tribe's more unique way of worshipping Abtatu is core to his way of life. Actions that go against his ideals or if ominous signs against the actions arise then he will adamantly refuse to go through with them.

Biography & Lore

Life for the Abtati tribes is already hard, but life for the Nafas is harder. A schism between them and the other tribes occurred centuries upon centuries ago. They were exiled and ostracized for having differing views from the other tribes. They rejected the prophecies and views of the lose of their empire and land as a punishment the other tribes hold. Naming themselves after "the breath" of creation, the Nafas believe that Abtatu simply was moving them onto their next journey. They believe that where sand now stands it will become lush once again, but only if they follow Abtatu's signs and come to live in true harmony with their current challenges. As such, they fully embraced the nomadic life style and believe settling in any one place is doomed to failure and decline.

It is in this kind of tribe that Teriteqas was born. His mother did not survive the childbirth and the event broke his father's heart, leaving him as an only child since his father refused to find a new partner. As much of an ominous sign as this was, he was raised as any other in his tribe was. He was taught how to fight and to survive. When he was old enough to, he began to pick up the more homely crafts that his mother had once done for his father. A love for it also developed over time, although he would never admit it.

All Nafas when they come of age must find discover their paths by meeting with their tribe's priests. The path of the warrior, the path of the trader, the path of the maker, the path of the faithful. One of these paths would be chosen and the training would begin. For Teriteqas this was not the case however. Each time a path was chosen for him, he would spend only a short amount of time learning the basics before an ominous sign would occur and he would be forced to stop. By the end, there was no path left to him. It was unprecedented and it got his tribe talking. They believed him cursed by Abtatu, but the head priest always told them he was not. This left Teriteqas with no role in his tribe and no place in his religion. He felt lost and aimless. All of his time went into doing what he could for his father and others.

After a couple of years, his tribe's leader and their head priest came to Teriteqas. They presented him with a new path: the path of the wanderer. He was to gather his things and go wander the desert alone. He was to follow the signs until Abtatu revealed his purpose to him. This news came as a bittersweet shock. Finally he had his path and so was reunited with his tribe's traditions but it was at the cost of leaving them for an extended period of time. His was given his tattoo, the resurrection plant, to reflect his unique nature magic and how he was to endlessly wander the desert in search of his destiny. He made his goodbyes and then left.

Teriteqas spent forty years traveling alone in the desert. Perhaps alone was not entirely correct. A few years into his journey he ran across a jerboa and took it on as a pet. He cared for her until she died. She had had children over the years and he had kept some of them with him and continued the cycle. Through sandstorms, raiders, flash floods, predators, intense heat of the days, and chilling cold of the nights he traveled with the ever growing family of jerboas. Eventually after a ritual fasting, not entirely by choice, he had a vision. He needed to see more than the desert. He needed to go out among the "civilized" people to bring back what could benefit his tribe. So he finally left the sands and began to travel further out into the world as the Wanderer his path had made him.


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