Recent content by Tera Lynx

  1. Tera Lynx

    Image upload thread

    More AI... think I'm getting addicted.
  2. Tera Lynx

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    With Melek's assent to proceed, Tera put her tools away before she began composing her letter and request. She'd worked with magic items and penitent before with the permission of the church, but it was simply too bothersome to keep an item on hand or a penitent on staff. She wanted to keep her...
  3. Tera Lynx

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    Tera nodded as she listened and took notes on a sheet of paper. "Your eyes are very striking indeed, I hope they didn't suspect you of vampirism!" Tera joked, then regretted it because they might have actually tested her for that. Tera smiled sympathetically at Melek, having to visit the church...
  4. Tera Lynx

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    Una... Tera nodded to herself, she remembered Una Farajal from her last consultation at the War College. In spite of Tera's passion for medicine and lack of social literacy, she and Una hit it off and became well acquainted. Yes, Tera put on a cheerful and sociable front but only because it was...
  5. Tera Lynx

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    Such a shy and demure girl for a Quaestor! Tera barely concealed her gushing grin over how adorable this sprig of a girl was! If she remembered correctly, a Quaestor was a Preator in training, or something close to a squire. After putting away her business books she walked around the counter and...
  6. Tera Lynx

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    "Thanks! Please come again!" The bell on the front door to the apothecary rang as Tera called after her most recent clients in a bright and cheery voice! only to suddenly wish she hadn't said that given her profession as a doctor and healer. She groaned at herself, wishing she could take it back...
  7. Tera Lynx

    Lore Vespene gas depleted!

    Hey! I've done some renovating on the Cast! I'm experimenting with the idea of a more naturalistic Cast Hivemind based on pheromones rather than telepathy. This would result in a less centralized consciousness and more agency for the Cast in general! I realized a flaw in the appealability of...
  8. Tera Lynx

    Fable - Ask Escape from Castle Silverrock

    Tera nodded in affirmative, "Exactly. And well put. This is a new species or new sort of parasite that I've never encountered before, nor found many records of." She turned her attention to Doctor Light, her eyes once again quizzically examining him. He's able to "sense" the tiny organisms that...
  9. Tera Lynx

    Fable - Ask Escape from Castle Silverrock

    Terra's face fell at the news... Elbion still refused to get involved, with all of their archives they had to have SOMETHING recorded about this, but they can't be bothered with a simple reference search. She nodded in agreement and smiled, he was right, at least somebody took notice. Tera...
  10. Tera Lynx

    Fable - Ask Escape from Castle Silverrock

    The knocking shocked her out of her concentration, startled her really... Almost disastrously so. She jumped with a startled yelp at the sound of knocking and her hand hit the glass container holding her sample of the parasite. She yelped again as she dove for the fragile container holding the...
  11. Advisor Cast

  12. Tera Lynx

    Fable - Ask Escape from Castle Silverrock

    The castle and village were indeed in a somber state. Only guards walked the streets, enforcing the curfew, and only guards patrolled the castle walls keeping watch for threats or whoever approached the massive stone fortress. A new visitor wouldn't be easily recognized in the formerly lively...
  13. Tera Lynx

    LFG Not enough Zombies

    No worries! Didn't know if you saw the thread or not. Just checking!
  14. Tera Lynx

    LFG Not enough Zombies

    Dauner Xithispk N'Xilna
  15. Tera Lynx

    Lore Vespene gas depleted!

    I've consolidated some lore entries for the various Cast creatures into broader categories for ease of reference! "Builder Drones" are now in the "Worker Cast" category, and include various mutations such as the Builders and Larva. "Runner Drones" are now in the "Warrior Cast" category, and...