Recent content by Talyia Sharion-Teriel

  1. Talyia Sharion-Teriel

    Open Chronicles Metal Thorn

    Talyia galloped through the depths of the Falwood, her presence announced by a symphony of crashing leaves and the frenzied whispers of nature. On this day, her arrival was a wrathful one as she rode upon the back of an elk, a magnificent creature formed from the very essence of the forest...
  2. Talyia Sharion-Teriel

    Quest The Blood of Falwood

    Guided by the fearful whispers of the ancient trees that served as the guardians of the Falwood, Talyia touched the bark of an ancient trunk and dissolved into it. Traversing through the deep heart of the sacred wood by way of the flora that connected it all. With each step within, her...
  3. Talyia Sharion-Teriel