Recent content by Szesh

  1. Szesh

    Private Tales To Whom The Law Applies

    Szesh made the assumption that Erin had been here before, if he knew of other exits. It was an incorrect assumption, but when one decides to partner on the fly one must make certain allowances. He should not trust anything Erin said completely, nor should Erin completely trust him. It was the...
  2. Szesh

    Private Tales To Whom The Law Applies

    As much as Szesh's rigid face would allow, he smiled. Just a faint stretch of the lips, it had been an alien gesture to him until just recently. Despite the perpetual pain etched across his back, he had started to take a more accepting view of himself within the last decade. He had a few choice...
  3. Szesh

    Private Tales To Whom The Law Applies

    Szesh returned to his normal sitting posture as the barkeep clumsily gathered the keys. "You have business... in the cellar?" He had become better at human speech over the years, but his mouth was not well-suited for it. His teeth were too long, his lips too thin. In the first years of his exile...
  4. Szesh

    Private Tales To Whom The Law Applies

    Weapons were not uncommon in taverns in this part of the world. Szesh had a large hammer hanging at his side, a pleasantly carved but altogether lifeless hunk of steel, its magic long run dry. This man, who had just entered, was likewise armed, but it was odd for him to be armed from from his...
  5. Szesh

    Private Tales To Whom The Law Applies

    Bounty hunting was a good profession for someone like Szesh. Draconians were rare, near non-existent beyond their mountain villages, and his presence in any setting was obvious. Even if his features had been human, he still stood a head above even the tallest man with a bulk to match. Add to...
  6. Sandbox The Great Burrow

  7. Szesh


    We'll be here whenever you're ready!
  8. Szesh

    Needs more dragons

    Hello again from the deep, dark, realms of hiatus. As some of you know, two years ago I started a veterinary residency. As with most, it left approximately 0.5% of my time and energy available for writing. While I didn't stop entirely, things got really, really slow. A huge thanks to my writing...
  9. Szesh


    I am sorry that I, too, did not see this sooner. My deepest condolences for your tragic loss, and I hope that you are your family are managing well in this time of grief.
  10. Szesh

    Draconians aren't Dead

    I hope you took what treasure you could cuz I’m back!
  11. Szesh

    Draconians aren't Dead

    It's obvious that I've been on unofficial hiatus for the past couple of months. I am happy to say that, after January 15th, I will be able to resume more regular posting. I over-extended myself a bit this past autumn, so unfortunately not all of my characters will be making a return. Please...
  12. Szesh

    New Arrival Aboard!

    Welcome Purbol! I certainly would enjoy talking reptiles with you and I look forward to seeing the stories you spin!
  13. Szesh

    The Drabble Writing Challenge: Warm Up

    Szesh set deep footprints in the rain-softened earth. The stable doors creaked open, and his lantern revealed his accommodations for the night. This was fine, the beds were too small anyway. A darting shadow set his nerves on edge. A bandit? A wolf? No. A cat. A black cat with staring eyes and...
  14. Szesh

    Fresh Off The Portal Stone

  15. Szesh

    Custom Character Commissions

    These are beautiful!