Recent content by Stavros of Poloxa

  1. Stavros of Poloxa

    Private Tales A Ship Came Sailing

    Praxidike At first Stavros assumed the woman was drunk. That would have explained something. But... then she named his ship. Well, relatively 'his', since he took it in a mutiny. But that was most likely what this was about, wasn't it? "Yeaaah..." And his hand went to the pommel of his...
  2. Stavros of Poloxa

    Private Tales A Ship Came Sailing

    Praxidike Stavros froze up there but didn't immediately turn. Instead he tilted his head. As if to listen. "I am sure there are many Stavrosi of Poloxa," This Stavros said cheerfully as he slowly turned around without making sudden movements. There was a pouch in his hands. Its contents...
  3. Stavros of Poloxa

    Private Tales A Ship Came Sailing

    Praxidike Stavros was entirely unaware anyone was shadowing him. Truth to be told if he knew he probably would have felt touched. Knowing that he was so infamous that they were sending bounty hunters after him. Not just bounty hunters either. The kind that were willing to climbing on rooftops...
  4. Stavros of Poloxa

    Private Tales A Ship Came Sailing

    Praxidike Things were going expectionally well for Stevros. Just last week his band of marauders raided a trade convoy going between coast cities. The taking was good and just now Stevros stepped out of the tavern after having sealed a buy accord from one of his fencing contacts. Few were...
  5. Stavros of Poloxa