Recent content by Silas

  1. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas' eyebrows raised, his lips thinning ever so briefly as Katja mentioned her family. It was the first time she had offered any details about herself. The first time she had ever said what kept her bound towards the madman keeping her in chains. Fingers curled on the doorway to the tavern...
  2. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    "No, no I haven't." Silas said as he slowly began to walk across the market, never checking back to ensure Katja was even there. It was something he was used to doing. He was the Captain of his ship, even if he didn't presently have a ship. There was a simple expectation in his mind that he...
  3. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas cast a quick glance down at Katja, almost surprised that she would touch him. He could see the expression of displeasure on her face, and then realized it was simply because she did not want to be rushed away in the tide of unwashed bodies. Fair enough. The Pirate thought to himself as...
  4. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas scoffed, a small flicker of amusement running over his features. ”No, no I do not.” Though, at this point it probably would have been a boon. Katja could have found her way off Teth easily enough. There were a dozen brothels run by den mothers who would gladly take in girls and see them...
  5. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas came up on deck only a few moments later. He looked just as he had the night before, no worse for lack of sleep or drink. There was a bright beaming smile on his face as the sight of Teth fell upon him. ”Ah there she is!” His voice bellowed out loud enough that even some of the crew...
  6. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas chuckled, shaking his head as Katja stormed off. His eyes remained on the skyline ahead, the flickering lights that could barely be seen through the darkness of the night. A small smile touched his face as he looked out across the sea, as he thought about that seat at the table. "Well."...
  7. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas listened carefully. A practice he had come to learn over the years was the most important quality of a Captain. It was all fine and dandy to be a fearsome warrior, a master of the sea, all of that didn't matter much if you didn't listen to the around you. Everything mattered, the...
  8. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas chuckled. "One man's heaven is anothers hell." A statement he had found true enough more often than not. He mused for a moment, letting her bite and bile settle in the air as he leaned back against the railing. There was no tension within whatsoever, even as she offered him a glare that...
  9. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    "Freedom." He answered quickly, ignoring the jab she had offered just a few seconds after her question."Destiny." Silas added, then smiled. "Anything you want." There was a sort of reverence within his words, as though he were in the midst of some dream. Eyes closed for a moment, and he took...
  10. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas shook his head as he stepped out onto the deck. "Fucking smugglers." The Pirate King said, knowing that many had cursed him and his in much the same manner dozens of times over. A long breath filled his lungs, and slowly he stalked up the length of the ship. Sailors still on duty looked...
  11. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Teth was getting closer. So was the time for a decision. He knew three names. Three people who had crossed him, but none of them were brave or smart enough to create the plan that had come to fruition. He knew the trio were a simple pack of stooges. Men who had crews and power enough to at...
  12. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    "Ah, my mistake." Silas said, his voice as droll and bored as could possibly be. "You're here by your own choice, I forgot." He knew, of course, exactly what he was doing. Silas hadn't built his crew by being nice. He hadn't put together the meanest, strongest group of bastards by treating...
  13. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    No expression carried on his features as she bit at him, her tongue lashing in an offense that would have made most slavers offer a beating. "Ah, is that so?" The former Pirate King said, shaking his head. "I've never much been good at reading people." A lie that was so easy to seethrough...
  14. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas reached up and scratched at his beard. "Rather difficult to tell you what I need without speaking to you." The Pirate Lord remarked. "Did meet a young pirate once who communicated with flickers of his fingers, but I'm afraid I didn't pay enough attention to learn that particular trick."...
  15. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    Silas kept his expression utterly blank as she drew himself into place besides Katja. Her face was one of barely masked rage. The air seemed to seethe with anger around her, fuming as though it were made manifest. They were emotions that he could relate to. Feelings that he had seen on more...