Recent content by Sei

  1. Sei Honzou-Dahn

  2. Sei

    Open Chronicles Monsters On the Pyre

    It wasn’t the first time she’d had to fight in pure darkness and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. The trick to fighting in pitch black, she remembered her old instructor saying, was to keep aware, to rely on skills and training, and to trust in the Goddess. With naught else to do, she did...
  3. Sei

    Open Chronicles Monsters On the Pyre

    The problem with magic is that, if one understood what to watch for, it could be reacted to before fruition. Usually. The blue glow was a brief telltale to the subsequent explosion of earth and rock, but was all Sarael needed. Rather than tumble away or run as more terrestrially bound...
  4. Sei

    Open Chronicles Monsters On the Pyre

    Blood flowed and heretics burned as the fighting continued. Sarael paused in the melee for a moment to assess the situation, an action that may have saved her life. The brief moment of pause brought her awareness not to a sound or sight, but to something more. A twist in her gut, a prickle on...
  5. Sei

    Open Chronicles Monsters On the Pyre

    Sarael slashed her blade across the arms of the soldier before her, blood spraying from severed arteries as her sword parted leather and cloth with ease. She slammed the edge of her polished shield into his throat and opened his torso from collar to groin almost as an afterthought. The knight...
  6. Sei

    LFG Searching for RP-Partners!

    Haze I'll let you start. I'm at work at the moment
  7. Sei

    LFG Searching for RP-Partners!

    Haze I'm fine with either
  8. Sei

    Open Chronicles Monsters On the Pyre

    Choked by smoke and ash, the skies above Strahlvel rained down with stone and fire crushing homes and business along with those who inhabited them. Here and there shapes could be seen between pillars of fire and clouds of dust, occasionally small groups of the figures dropping down into the...
  9. Sei

    LFG - Quest An assortment of (3) quests with loot.

    Sathirena I'm down to be the Bad (good) guys and try to stop folks from stealing/murdering stuff lol
  10. Sei

    LFG Searching for RP-Partners!

    Haze No worries, just a heads up that Sarael is a religious fanatic and knight lol So that's a thing XD Just lemme know whenever you're ready
  11. Sei

    LFG Searching for RP-Partners!

    Haze Hello fellow flappy winged person! I am also flappy winged person, though not a flappy winged elf person. We should do a thread sometime.
  12. Sei

    LFG - Quest An assortment of (3) quests with loot.

    Sathirena I can do opposition. Pretty sure Sarael's deity doesn't like undead or those who associate with undead. Or make undead. Or "evil" in general. So while she wouldn't necessarily help with these, maybe her Order is on the other side of things?
  13. Sarael