Ruka "Kaamu" Kargatal
Appearance and Equipment
* Long brown hair streaked with some red, red eyes, reddish tanned skin, 9'0", very large and muscular ogre build.
* Usually adorned in deep red clothing: chestwrap, detached sleeves, and skirt. Like many ogres, for cultural reasons eschews much armor in battle, save only for some select pieces. Wears a golden, jeweled torque around her neck.
* Armed with a battleaxe.
Skills and Abilities
Ogre: Among the most fearsome species upon Arethil, and for good reason. Possessed of colossal strength easily capable of rivaling magically enhanced foes, and of an astounding toughness thanks to their thick skin and robust physiology, ogres command a dominating presence on any battlefield. Being such large beings, however, ogres in general suffer from quickly exhausting themselves. In all these regards, Ruka is no exception.
Praetor Anti-Magic: Chain Disruption. Ruka's gift, functioning much like the elemental magic staple of chain lightning, shots forth from her hand to a target possessed of magic, and from there may jump to other mages if they are close enough, and may continue jumping even more to other mages, stopping them all from casting and interrupting current instances of magic. Quite powerful against groups of mages, though it comes with the inherent danger of being too much for Ruka to handle if the Chain becomes too great. Additionally, Ruka must channel her gift, leaving her potentially vulnerable as she does so.
Praetor Training: Though Ruka has not yet graduated from the War College, nevertheless she, at least, did well in her martial training, even if failing at many of the more academic studies.
Personality and Characteristics
* Unintelligent. Slow to grasp many concepts, especially those of a more abstract nature.
* Easily amused, and easily distracted.
* Always thinks the best of the people around her. Heartwarming though it may be, it does leave her vulnerable to treachery and manipulation.
* A bit stubborn and inflexible, as she can get stuck on doing things a certain way (usually the way shown to her first).
* Has an infinite capacity for forgiveness.
+ Speaks in slightly broken and/or incorrect Common.
+ Sometimes displays a lack of manners—not through intentional rudeness, but simply through lack of understanding and awareness.
+ Loves dancing.
+ Refers to gods, like Threshkuul or Regel, as "Big Man" and goddesses as "Big Gal".
+ Earned the nickname "Little Mouse" ("Kaamu" in the Maulgar tongue) among her fellow ogres because she scares easily—though it is followed by big laughs and no hard feelings.