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Rogdul the Blink
Rogdul the Blink was so named due to his ability to seemingly disappear in the blink of an eye and appear elsewhere just as quickly.
Skills and Abilities
In the mundane skillset, Rogdul has experience as a carpenter, metalworker, and tinker, amongst other minor skills.
Rogdul's singularly most useful ability is his capacity for shifting his being into parallel planes of existence, which allows him to effectively disappear and seem to teleport to another location. His primary shift is to a spirit plane which allows him to see and interact with spirits but most importantly allows for faster movement due to the lack of as many natural forces. He does still have to physically travel from one location to another, but to an outside observer, he disappears and reappears somewhere else shortly thereafter, appearing to have teleported.
He can only do this for short periods of time, however, and cannot use it as a method to travel long distances. The shifts typically last anywhere between 5 and 15 seconds, with longer shifts causing a more heavy drain on his capabilities and potentially risking being unable to shift back to the mortal, mundane realm. While he does not know what would happen if he was unable to shift back, the strain of other planes on bodies not meant to interact with them can be debilitating, and merely keeping oneself awake and alive can use the same energy that he would use to shift back.
Unarmed combat
As an expert in unarmed martial arts, Rogdul is a force to be reckoned with in close combat. While he can use some basic weapons such as staves and batons, he has foregone training with martial weapons and finds them morally problematic. He will use a knife in desperate times or against animals, but believes in the strength of his own body and is loathe to draw blood.
While unarmed people are typically at a massive disadvantage to those who are trained and properly armed, his plane shifting ability evens the playing field as it gives him a heightened ability to dodge, close the distance, and get around enemy combatants.
He is skilled enough to ensure his strikes remain nonlethal while quickly putting down lesser foes, but at the same time can also end a life if necessary.
Rogdul has no problem killing people, he simply insists that the most ethical approach would be to be able to look into an opponent's eyes and feel their life leaving them with his own hands. That, to him, is the only way to guarantee that you are killing out of necessity and not out of spite or pleasure.