Recent content by Rignid

  1. Rignid

    Open Chronicles Steamy Stew and Stars

    Rignid was on the trek from Alliria. He hadn't had any particular plan for where he was going, but decided that he wanted to travel towards the Spine, and this was where he was now. It was the night, and he was looking for a suitable bit of brush to sleep in- he was becoming a connoisseur of...
  2. Rignid

    Fate - First Reply desert shenanigans

    The pros of conducting research on Fraymancy in the deserts of Amol-Kalit: there is a lot of sun. The cons of conducting research on Fraymancy in the deserts of Amol-Kalit: the massive- apparently carnivorous- sand centipedes. This is what was running through Rignid's mind as he was running...
  3. Rignid

    Open Chronicles The Weight of Feathers

    Rignid just barely caught the coin that had been tossed at him, gasping. It was rare for somebody to be so generous, but this man seemed kind. He looked towards where the man had pointed and, sure enough, there were two guard that had their eyes on the boy. He sheepishly ducked his head, and...
  4. Rignid

    Fable - Ask the search for a stolen work

    Rignid was almost jogging to keep up with the older man's lively pace. Something was clearly giving him energy and he wondered if it was the still-slightly-panting Reinlinde. "I travel," Rignid replied to the woman, "that is my occupation. I discovered a new form of magic a few years ago, when...
  5. Rignid

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    Rignid was immediately aware of the slight change in the demeanour of the two men. He couldn't tell what exactly was out there, but he figured it probably wasn't crocodiles. The boy that the men had dragged along with them was uncomfortably close to the water, and whatever plan they had, Rignid...
  6. Rignid

    Fable - Ask the search for a stolen work

    That night, Rignid barely slept. When the longing for his notebook wasn't keeping him awake, the excitement at the prospect of an adventure with real knights was. This strange mixture of emotions ensured that when the sun was just hauling itself over the horizon in the morning, Rignid was...
  7. Rignid

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    As the figures approached, Rignid noticed that they weren't guards. They clearly didn't provide an imminant threat, so he lowered his hands. He kept on guard a little, though, knowing that anyone can be dangerous when you don't know them. He slowly approached to meet them. "Back away from the...
  8. Rignid

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    Rignid had been travelling for a few days. He had intended to go to Belgrath, as he was intrigued by the history, but had overshot by quite a way, and ended up coming across this town that he discovered was called "Sincorino". It was darling during the day, a real rugged hill-town with very few...
  9. Rignid

    Fable - Ask the search for a stolen work

    Rignid laughed lightly, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He felt the blue eyes of the lady in her metal coolness, in contrast to the hazy, glazed eyes of the man. He was looking up at Rignid, pleading behind his eyes like a dog asking for more food. After a moment of awkward silence...
  10. Rignid

    Fable - Ask the search for a stolen work

    Rignid didn't know what to make of the fiery drunkard that had dropped himself unceremoniously into the chair next to him- he wouldn't have paid him much heed at all to be honest, had the moustachioed man not been planted firmly in his seat and slumped over like a sack of potatoes, leaving...
  11. Rignid

    Fable - Ask the search for a stolen work

    The sky was that bluish-grey of a cool twilight on the threshold of Summer and Autumn. The sun still warming Alliria, but it was now all but peeking through the architecture of the city. What was- up until recent days- a warm embrace was now just a gentle stroke on Rignid's ruddy cheek as he...
  12. Rignid

    Open Chronicles The Weight of Feathers

    Rignid wove through the throng of people, passing every colour of the rainbow as he danced along, giddy with the energy that surrounded him. The city was so full of people that, when he focused on the threads of arcane light that connected everything, he was almost blinded. He clutched at the...
  13. Rignid

    Rignid, the youthful Fraymancer.