Found abandoned in- and grew up in- Elbion college district. Perhaps left by an alum with fond memories of their time at the college.
Rignid is a young mage who has always been learning about magic, due to his upbringing in Elbion college. As such, it comes naturally to him- although he doesn't practice ordinary magic anymore.
He is the discoverer and sole practitioner of "fraymancy", a form of magic that he has tried to pose to the highest scholars in Elbion- sadly, his discoveries have not taken off due to his youth and the difficulty he has in explaining the exact nature of fraymancy. as a practitioner of magic, he is energetic and effervescent, eager to use his relative mastery of his magic whenever he can.
He has never felt his lack of parentage, having been well looked after by the staff and students of the college for all of his life, but sometimes his lack of formal parenting does become apparent in his boyish nature.
He has written several books of notes on his observations of fraymancy, but they are not formally published yet. He has a basic grasp of common types of magic, and can even practice some spells, but he is not well trained in these other types and only knows odd bits that some students have taught him illegally.
Despite his youthful personality, he is very intelligent and can be serious and mature when he needs to be, even if you can never miss the sunny glint in his eyes.
Rignid is a quite lanky teenager, with messy hair due to spending more time studying magic than caring for his appearance. He has very pale skin due to his heritage, and is very ruddy with red cheeks and more. he is constantly sunburnt, due to being outside often. He dresses like the scholars that he grew up around, in very light colours with light, loose textiles for ease of movement. He is always carrying many bags filled with notebooks, vials and other important tools and equipment for magical practice. He is always carrying a notebook in his hand.
Skills and Abilities
Fraymancy: Rignid is (to his knowledge) the discoverer and sole practitioner of fraymancy. Fraymancy is the magical technique of using strands of arcane light that can only be seen by practiced fraymancers who look out for them. these strands of magic connect all things in the world and can be used for a variety of magic, which Rignid refers to as "magical weaving".
Sewing: Rignid isn't an accomplished fashion designer, but he has very rudimentary skill at sewing for mending clothes on the road.
Miscellaneous Spells: Rignid can be seen casting the odd spell he learned in his youth on occasion, when he isn't able to use his fraymancy in a situation.
Sewing: Rignid isn't an accomplished fashion designer, but he has very rudimentary skill at sewing for mending clothes on the road.
Miscellaneous Spells: Rignid can be seen casting the odd spell he learned in his youth on occasion, when he isn't able to use his fraymancy in a situation.
Rignid is an effervescent and whimsical man. He is very boylike in personality, and is often cheeky and energetic. he is mature when he needs to be, though- although never losing his optimistic glint.
Biography & Lore
Early life:
Rignid was a foundling that was left on the doorstep of a popular lecturer in Elbion college. He grew up under the care of the staff and students of the college, and learned magic informally through these connections. He speaks fondly of his childhood. He has shown magical talent from a young age.
Discovering Fraymancy:
Rignid was standing outside on a quiet summer day when he was 12 years old, attempting to focus on a magical spell involving tracing runes in the air. As he focused his sight in, he saw the rays of sunlight fraying as it his his eyes, creating a matrix of threads that connected everything in the world. He saw the magical runes connected to the glass of water that he was trying to freeze, and he saw a tapestry of light that told the story of everything that he could see.
Over the years, Rignid has tried to present his findings to the Academics at the college. However, whilst they can't refute the fact that he has access to this magic, they also cannot justify the study of fraymancy because they struggle to see the threads. Rignid's goal is to fully understand fraymancy so that he can teach it to others.
Since that day, Rignid has always been able to see the threads in his eyesight at will. (They do not obstruct his vision at all unless he strains too hard).
Rignid was a foundling that was left on the doorstep of a popular lecturer in Elbion college. He grew up under the care of the staff and students of the college, and learned magic informally through these connections. He speaks fondly of his childhood. He has shown magical talent from a young age.
Discovering Fraymancy:
Rignid was standing outside on a quiet summer day when he was 12 years old, attempting to focus on a magical spell involving tracing runes in the air. As he focused his sight in, he saw the rays of sunlight fraying as it his his eyes, creating a matrix of threads that connected everything in the world. He saw the magical runes connected to the glass of water that he was trying to freeze, and he saw a tapestry of light that told the story of everything that he could see.
Over the years, Rignid has tried to present his findings to the Academics at the college. However, whilst they can't refute the fact that he has access to this magic, they also cannot justify the study of fraymancy because they struggle to see the threads. Rignid's goal is to fully understand fraymancy so that he can teach it to others.
Since that day, Rignid has always been able to see the threads in his eyesight at will. (They do not obstruct his vision at all unless he strains too hard).
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