Recent content by Raul Renaut

  1. Raul Renaut

    Fable - Ask That Sing In The Morn'

    Raul is lost within his mind- swimming in implications -eyes cast on the stones under his sandals, when Alaric spots him. How do I always find myself wrapped within the turmoil of others? Everywhere I go, there's pain or confusion. Do I bring it with me? Do I seek it out? Many occasions come...
  2. Raul Renaut

    Fable - Ask That Sing In The Morn'

    Oh, under the merciful guidance of Dhavohr, may I be delivered to this Monastery? An errant rock tumbles under Raul's foot, heedless and foolish in his stride. He just barely catches himself from rolling his ankle. From putting himself out of effectiveness and leaving himself stranded...
  3. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    "Of course, I am Elias Dorven, a Professor of the College of Elbion. It's an honor to meet you. What brings you to the city?" the gentleman replies. "It is an honour to meet you as well. I needed somewhere to stay while going West. I thought surely there would be plenty of help wanted in the...
  4. Raul Renaut

    Roleplay OOC Oh, So Many Grimy Streets Plotting

    Executive function is a funky little thing. I haven't lost interest in this thread, but I haven't been able to conjure up the right words for a post. However I think I'm feeling the alphabet soup align in my mind again, and would like to know what y'all think about continuing. Al'qadim...
  5. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    "Not all injuries are visible." says the warrior, with well-tempered concern. Ah. „I’m all right..“ comes her haunted response, sending a quake through Raul's heart, and the warrior soothes her as he brings her to her feet, sends away the ogling crowd. Raul rises as well, and offers, for lack...
  6. Raul Renaut

    Fable - Ask That Whisper in the Night

    Raul gives pause as the knights march their horses around him in a circle, most with weapons drawn and on high alert. His fingers tingle with nerves, and he wraps his off hand around his necklace. "Hail traveler, what business do you have with knights?" says the young, proud one, side-eyeing a...
  7. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    As he makes to leave, a voice behind him calls out, "You're most generous! Elbion needs more of your sort." He pauses in his step, and turns to face the tan-robed man, palm to his chest as he bows in greeting. "Good day, sir. I am merely doing what I have been bidden to do." Raul gestures to...
  8. Raul Renaut

    Fable - Ask That Whisper in the Night

    Serves me right, I suppose, damn my flesh! Raul's trek towards the Spine had gotten considerably more harrowing the moment he'd left the little clutch of cottages quite a long ways back. He'd hesitate to call it a village, but nevertheless, it was much safer than where he was now. He'd...
  9. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    With a bone-deep sigh and a shake of his head, Raul elects to not allow whatever else comes from the youth to bother him, and leads the way from the building. There must be something in the air here. The smog of destruction and despair has brought madness. The lad chatters on about his...
  10. Raul Renaut

    Roleplay OOC Oh, So Many Grimy Streets Plotting

    Well, here we are again with plotting! Raul is in need of a new sort-of guide/companion to Elbion, if anyone would like to pop in here, feel free!
  11. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Notice Board: Forest Monster

    "-And if you cannot agree to that, I will-" Heavy footsteps approach, and just as quickly; “Come to offer a less risky option than venturing on your ownsomes I have,” said the rough, heavily accented voice, “your sort like need protection from such as I and mine, Damagutz, yes? May I join you...
  12. Raul Renaut

    Roleplay OOC Oh, So Many Grimy Streets Plotting

    No problem, Nina! Whenever you're able and ready. Hope your surgery goes well! Bandits/cutpurses certainly would be the easiest option.
  13. Raul Renaut

    Roleplay OOC Oh, So Many Grimy Streets Plotting

    Thought I would get this started, to make plot idea discussion a bit easier, as we've had none at all so far. So far from Raul's perspective, he has arrived in Elbion, searched for locations to sleep and to get jobs, (boarding houses, taverns, inns, message/notice boards,) passed through a back...
  14. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    Baffled isn't even beginning to cover the sensation collecting behind his eyebrows uncomfortably, like a knot of brambles. "Well, this depends on a multitude of factors. First, I know my neighborhood well, and that alley is dangerous, so It's going to be a bit pricey. Two, I need you to make a...
  15. Raul Renaut

    My apologies for the delay in posting, I had some IRL things sneak up on me.

    My apologies for the delay in posting, I had some IRL things sneak up on me.