Recent content by Ranvena

  1. R

    Extended Break

    Some big changes have happened in my life that I need to take time to focus on, so I am putting this hobby down (for a while at least). Apologies to those I have threads with currently, and a big thank you for the time and effort you've spent writing with me. I've greatly enjoyed our adventures...
  2. R

    Discussion Is anyone here also part of a writer's forum?

    (Just as a disclaimer: for as simple a thing as it is to type something into a search engine, my Google-fu skills suck.) I've been searching around off and on for various outlets for my writing obsession - writing forums, collaborative writing forums (which seem to be rather dead) and...
  3. R

    Fixed Images/portraits not loading

    I've been having an issue the last few days with blank portraits (including some of my own). It seems like it's random on Firefox, but none of the uploaded/portrait images work on Chrome. I cannot upload any images on either browser either.
  4. R

    Quest The Blighting of Wetzlar

    At the fortune teller's table: Lula was at first confused by the girl's sudden change of heart, then mildly disappointed as the glint of another coin slipped away. She thought to beckon the lost customer back over until a glance at the stern-looking man she'd fled to changed Lula's mind...
  5. R

    Roleplay OOC OOC: The Blighting of Wetzlar

    Sorry, I've only run one group thread and done some DMing before this, and folks in that context don't seem to mind the side conversations. I guess I didn't see it being a big deal since the 'reading' did not impact the story in any way.
  6. R

    Roleplay OOC OOC: The Blighting of Wetzlar

    That's absolutely fine. I know I had a bit of a dialogue with Osuin, and I apologize if that made everything a bit confusing. We will just do the traditional turns from here on out. If it helps, we can also just establish an actual posting order throughout - which would be me, Osuin, Asher...
  7. R

    Roleplay OOC OOC: The Blighting of Wetzlar

    Hello everyone in Wetzlar :) I know we're getting towards yet another busy time of year for folks, and understandably posts are likely going to be a lot slower. So before we get into the icy realm of decorations and feasts, I just want to check in with everybody to see where we're at -...
  8. R

    Quest The Blighting of Wetzlar

    At the fortune teller's table: Lula regarded Asher with a solemn expression hidden behind her veil. "Such a heavy question. One that many ask themselves from time to time... but I sense there is an urgency in yours. Only you have the power to fully answer such a question, but let us see what...
  9. R

    LOA next week

    For those writing with me, I will be out of internet (and probably cell service) range from September 24-29, maybe a bit longer depending on what's going on. I will try to keep up with posts until I leave :)
  10. R

    Quest The Blighting of Wetzlar

    Lula was looking quite pleased with herself at the compliment. It had been awhile since she'd had a satisfied customer - or a customer at all, for that matter. The sellsword that drunk merchant had hired to guard them on the road - Vandor, was that his name? He'd certainly shown no interest in...
  11. R

    Quest The Blighting of Wetzlar

    Lula smiled brightly at the offered silver, offering him a thankful bow of her head. It was indeed far more than she ever thought of charging for her services. Enough to stock up her little wagon for a few lean days. Considering this was the first customer she'd had in this gods-forsaken...
  12. R

    Quest The Blighting of Wetzlar

    The cart jostled once more, and a tall, middle-aged woman poked her face out to look at Osuin. Her tanned skin almost shone gold in the sunlight, curly black hair cascading down her shoulders in ebon rivulets. Her obvious surprise at his presence quickly transformed into the warm, welcoming...
  13. R

    Quest The Blighting of Wetzlar

    Those who awoke early found the entire valley around Eos blanketed by a dense fog; a lingering grey sheet more predictable this time of the year than the sun itself, according to the locals. In these quiet hours of the morning the dismal, low-hanging cloud was set softly aglow by light filtering...
  14. <span class="vw-inline-prefix label label--primary">Sandbox</span><span class="label-append">&nbsp;</span>Ranvena's Portfolio