


Biographical information
A small tribe on the outskirts of the Falwood 118 Wherever she wants
Physical description
Elf Female 5'4" 140lbs Red Green Pale
Political information
Mostly thievery
Out-of-character information
Nyxxi 2/2/2025

Your hubris will be your downfall


Noemi is a slight woman with deep red hair that cascades like fire down her shoulders. Her deep green eyes always show a glint of judgement. Her facial features are sharp as her ears, yet beautiful. She stands at about 5'5" and weighs about 140lbs. Her nomadic lifestyle has left her toned and fit, though she still possesses those soft, womanly curves.
Her attire mostly consists of simple yet stylish travel clothes. Sturdy leather pants and a soft tunic are typical daily wear for her.

Skills and Abilities

Noemi comes from a druidic tribe and possesses some minor druidic magic, though she isn't very good at it.
As far as combat skills, she is very athletic and dexterous. What she lacks in strength she makes up for with speed and wit. Noemi isn't afraid to fight dirty, as it's unlikely she has an honorable bone in her body. Her weapons of choice are daggers, fists, teeth, and nails.
Noemi's other skills generally involve taking advantage of her looks. She's pretty and she knows it, and she isn't afraid to turn on the charm to get what she wants.


This elf is self serving and judgmental. She doesn't typically stay in one place for too long so she doesn't care to form bonds with people. As a child her parents instilled perhaps a bit too much confidence in her which bloomed into an arrogance that most people find off putting.

Biography & Lore

Noemi was once a rising star of her tribe. The was gifted in her combat skills, unmatched among her peers, and she knew it. She was raised in luxury as the daughter of one of her tribes high council and was always told she was destined for greatness. And she believed it whole heartedly.

Her arrogance knew no bounds. She dismissed the wisdom of her elders, and openly looked down on those she deemed beneath her skill. Humility was a weakness and a flaw of lesser races.

During an important diplomatic mission between her tribe and a neighboring human settlement, her unchecked arrogance lead to disaster. She disregarded protocol, insulted one of the human leaders, and rashly accepted a challenge to duel. Expecting an easy victory, she was instead humiliated before both parties by a well practiced swordsman. In her rage, she made an attempt on the mans life, violating her tribes code of honor.

She faced swift judgement and was cast out of the tribe by the high council, and her own father, until she can learn humility. She was stripped of all titles and personal belongings and sent away with the clothes on her back and whatever she could fit in her pack. For the first time in her life, Noemi is alone.
