Recent content by Noelani

  1. Noelani

    Private Tales I of the Storm

    When Lani woke it took a few beats to recall where she was. It was not the first time she had been greeted with a makeshift roof of leaves above her head, or the feeling of sand beneath her back. Storms and even pirates had driven her crew ashore before. Though none of them had seen her marooned...
  2. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    "Of course!" Lani scrambled to her feet with a guilty look. She should have thought more about her guests needs than her own curiosity. It would have been a long journey from Ragash, let alone the deserts beyond that he had initially crossed alone. Her father and grandmother would have...
  3. Noelani

    Private Tales I of the Storm

    "Thank you," laughter danced beneath the surface of her words and then the Mchawi was gone. Lani told herself she wasn't avoiding the pirate as she took her time in walking back after fetching and eating the smoked fish. It was just that she needed to clear her head and think. The pyre would...
  4. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    Now it was the Princess' turn to look perplexed. To make magic available to those without a natural connection to it... well, it sounded like an abomination. Yet she had seen the beauty of when Len had applied it to his Dance, and the feat he had accomplished just now was not abhorrent either...
  5. Noelani

    Private Tales I of the Storm

    Lani stepped back to examine her work with her hands on her hips. She was used to feather beds and down pillows, yes, but she was also very familiar with cramped hammocks and a hard deck with nowt but a coil of rope for a place to rest her head. As a sailor, it was take what you could get in...
  6. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    As always when another manipulated water, an odd sensation ran up Noelani's spine. It was not discomfort exactly, more like an awareness of another presence, an echo. Usually it allowed her to sense when other Mchawi were bending nearby and sometimes to even sense what their intentions were with...
  7. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    The water was as much a part of Lani as the air with which she needed to breathe. So as Len played with the water she found herself aiding it in playing back. The ripples fanned out then returned in patterns unnatural to the normal way it moved. The first waves appeared as fishes and the second...
  8. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    Noelani listened with all the open mindedness she was known for amongst her people. She did not interrupt or show any of the myriad of emotions that rose to the surface throughout his tale. Sadness for his loss not only of his time, but of his people; curiosity over the questions left unanswered...
  9. Noelani

    Private Tales I of the Storm

    Noelani's eyes rolled upwards and she mouthed a quiet prayer to the All Mother to ask for help to bolster her patience. The pirate seemed to have a particular talent for wearing on every nerve the Princess had. She would have loved to have seen how her sisters dealt with her unlikely companion...
  10. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    Lani's smile faded as she noted the sadness that crept over her guest. She almost regretted her question but her curiosity ate at her from the inside, and Medja had been quite clear she had no intentions of spelling secrets that were not hers. The Princess gently swirled the water with her feet...
  11. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    The Princess smiled as she watched her guest dive into the waters of the pools. She had been truthful in that these pools were not spiritual in anyway to her people, but they had a knack for becoming the first place many outsiders truly begun to understand the beauty of their island and way of...
  12. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    Noelani's smile softened at his compliment. Very often she found it easy to laugh them off from people and dodge them where she could. Her mother and father both had taught her the importance of keeping her ego in check given the status she had and the opportunities it afforded that others did...
  13. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    "No," Noelani smiled at his question about the trials, her eyes sparkling with amusement though not unkindly. "They are just pools, I thought you might want to bathe." With a wave of her hand the waters of the pool she had been stood in stilled and she stepped onto the surface like one would...
  14. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    From the delighted expression on her face it seemed as though his reaction was the one she had been hoping for and that it had caused no insult. "And I cannot imagine how anyone can live in the sands," Noelani countered, still swinging back and forth from the branch whilst Len collected...
  15. Noelani

    Private Tales As the Skies Clear

    "I'm not tired," the small child yawned as Lani carried her up the steps, smoothed by the passage of time, to the palace where her sister waited to collect the tiny terror. It had been impossible to pry her from Skull-Hammers side for most of the evening, only managing it when the girl had...