Recent content by Nairth San'Seya

  1. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    Bearing witness to Solenne's amazement was enough to make up for the fact that he himself had not yet managed to pull himself up to his feet. Every time Nairth tried to move a muscle, tried to will himself off of the ancient stone he lay upon, searing pain shot through his body, and his limbs...
  2. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    Nairth's breath was short and shallow, his skin reddened and swollen from the magical lashing he'd taken during their perilous trip through the scorching ley energy of Spring's heart. The King had not spoken of such a risk, knowing it would only detract from the hunt, form finding the truth that...
  3. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    Was far more concerned about the lives of Olyssa and the rest of those in his court than he was about himself. If he was unable to rid the Realm of this ancient plague and ensure that the Summer could not use it against them in the looming conflict, he was not fit to be a King in the first...
  4. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    There was little time for either of them to truly enjoy this kiss, or the warm embrace of the magically charged waters submerging them. For only seconds Nairth could feel Solenne's body flush with his, her breath against his face, and the ebb and flow of her chest as she breathed along with him...
  5. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    Despite all of his flirtations, all of the honeyed words and whispered desires he'd layered onto Solenne time after time on this day, it was not with unbridled lust that he slid that thin white fabric from her shoulders, letting it pool at her feet to bathe her entire body in the ethereal glow...
  6. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    The Sabakuu was an even mightier host than the one who'd nearly bested Nairth some time prior, and he'd only barely escaped that encounter with his skin. Were it not for Olyssa's might combining with his, those thorny fines sprouting forth to support the efforts of Nairth's restraints, this...
  7. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    The stairway leading underneath the castle grew more narrow the further they descended, the stone walls soon giving way to moist and undisturbed soil as the steps gradually became little more than stone footfalls wedged in the dirt. It was easy to see why; It was less of a cave that awaited...
  8. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    The pain at seeing such a revered and respected creature, one Nairth hadn't witnessed firsthand in so many years, reduced to a tortured host for something so dark and so foul brought a bitter anger to the King's tongue. There had always been something to be said about this Dark foe's tenacity...
  9. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    "Something's trampling through the woods." Nairth explained through gritted teeth, rising from his seated position and shivering at the last pinpricks of pain left his body. Indeed, as he spoke the crashing sounds grew louder, with the earth underneath them beginning to shake ever so slightly...
  10. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    The further they traveled through Grovehaven, the wider the road became. Narrow corridors of winding roots and billowing brooks emptied into wide paths teeming with critters and younglings chasing one another, playing the simplest of games that the mind forgets with age and worry. The Castle...
  11. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    Wait and see they would. While the barrier Tharu had concealed himself in had struggled, Nairth and Olyssa had the benefit of being two significantly more powerful Fae, who would be more capable of maintaining their defenses for as long as need be. It felt rather nice, to practice old magic...
  12. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    It would have pleased him so to linger with her here, to watch her squirm as the anticipation built, to pepper her with idle affections as he kept her from what she desired most. Alas, those were the games of lovers; While Nairth did enjoy her company, he'd also made a promise, and the time to...
  13. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    A faerie ring? Nairth's gaze lingered on Olyssa for a moment, impressed by her initiative. San'Seya had thought her to be rough around the edges at first, but over the last few days she'd proven the Erlking's faith in her was far from misplaced. "That's an excellent idea." Nairth agreed...
  14. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    Nairth's leading steps toward the castle stopped at her words. The arm that had been tightly wrapped around her waist now slid back to her hip as The King turned to stand in front of her, all of his attentions focused squarely upon the Leannan who'd blessed him with her company on this day. She...
  15. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Secrets Left Sealed

    If Nairth thought Solenne the type to balk at an act such as bathing with one another, he would not have offered her the chance. His aim was not a lustful one. At least, not in essence. There would always be an aspect of desire to his actions with her, an underlying want that had only grown in...