Nahala Zorus

Nahala Zorus

Nahala Zorus

Biographical information
The Kingdom of Agnomae: An underwater kingdom that relatively keeps to themselves, and is almost solely populated by Water Genasi. 26 years Technically, Agnomae is where she considers home, but she travels more than she is home as she is a noblewoman and ambassador for her kingdom.
Physical description
Water Genasi: Amphibious humanoid individual. She is of Draconic bloodline, meaning her ancestors were gifted magical abilities by an ancient dragon, and that magic has been passed to her. Female 5'6" 159 lbs Silver/White Gray/Blue Light blue with white freckles and white markings
Political information
Out-of-character information
The deep ocean bed is where Nahala calls home. In fact, the ocean seems to reflect itself in all her features; the tone of her skin, the crystal-like greens and blues in her eyes, and even her silvery hair that is much like seafoam. Being of an amphibious species, she has no trouble traveling on land, but needs to rehydrate herself regularly and prefers sleeping in bodies of water whenever possible (she has been found sleeping in village wells and fountains before, which her noble parents were not happy to hear about).
Nahala is every bit a noblewoman, as she was raised to be. She is cultured, well-educated, respectful, and friendly. However, the suffocating responsibilities of nobility don't resonate well with her. To counteract this, Nahala took on the job of Ambassador for the Kingdom of Agnomae to both experience freedom and serve her people. Agnomae has only recently decided to build more ties with 'land-dwellers', so Nahala has spent much of her time exploring the lands and meeting people in order to build connections and document them.
She is both kind and loyal, almost to a fault. She will give most the benefit of the doubt, but is also normally secretive of her noble status to avoid unwanted attention from thieves and the like.


Nahala has a slightly bigger figure and curves, which she isn't afraid to show off. Her skin is a light blue, and very sleek (almost scale like). Her silvery hair is obnoxiously thick and lands about mid-back, usually tied back away from her face. Nahala has white water-like markings that travel up her arms and decorate her upper back- a characteristic distinct of the Zorus family. Her clothing is practical for traveling and fighting, but still of high quality materials due to her status of nobility. Nahala has very soft features and a kind face, all with blue hues (such as her eyes and lips). She normally carries herself in a dignified manner to properly represent her family and kingdom, but enjoys time to let her hair down and shoot the breeze.

Skills and Abilities

Nahala is a sorcerer. Being a water genasi, her most powerful magic and spells are water and moon based. She is capable of other basic spells as well, but they aren’t nearly as strong. She does fairly well with healing spells, as a lot of them are water based. Her race also gives her a tolerance to acid and poison (but she isn’t completely immune). Her strength lies in magic, but she has also trained to fight dual-wielding poison-dipped daggers if she either runs out of magical power, or if her enemy has gotten too close for her to use magic. However, her skills in close combat are pretty average, so it's best for her to use magic from a distance.
As an ambassador, Nahala is also quite skilled in matters of negotiation and diplomacy. Helping kingdoms to reach agreements, especially with her own kingdom, is one of her specialties. She could also be considered a peace keeper within a group, and is good at seeing things from multiple perspectives.


Nahala is a very kind and loyal individual, although she has some trust issues (which is just the nature of her kingdom). She enjoys traveling and meeting new individuals and creatures all over the world, and it's challenging for her to stay in one place too long. She values her comrades and would risk anything for those she cares about (to a fault, really). Despite her noble status, Nahala is quite relaxed and doesn't feel a need for formalities, especially with those she trusts. She's a very good listener and likes to help others wherever she can, even if it includes self-sacrifice.

Biography & Lore

The Zorus family was one of the families accompanying the very first king of Agnomae, Eucrante. Eucrante fled one of the ancient underwater kingdoms with several families due to persecution. He and his supporters wanted the kingdom to try and build peaceful relations with the water dragons in order to strengthen and protect them. Where others feared the dragons, Eucrante and his followers respected them greatly. Because of this, the few remaining water dragons agreed that these individuals were worthy of carrying on Dragonic magic. The families that had fled were given the blessings of the dragons, meaning magic flowed through blood and had the potential of great magical power should they decide to use it. Upon this power, Eucrante built a new kingdom with himself as ruler, which everyone agreed to. His kingdom, Agnoemae, has now stood for centuries and is one of the most powerful underwater kingdoms. Because of it's origins, many inhabitants of Agnomae have magical abilities of varying degrees.
This includes Nahala. She is a direct descendant of Iaira Zorus, one of Eucrante's most trusted friends. As such, the Zorus family has been nobility since the creation of the Agnomae kingdom. This also means she directly inherited the Draconic blood given to Iaira, which is the primary fuel for her magical abilities. Nahala is one of the few Zorus' to really tap into their magical potential, as most focused on their political role in the kingdom. Nahala prefers practicing sorcery over being an ambassador, but as the only child of the Zorus family, she understands her responsibilities.
Growing up as nobility had a lot of stress and pressure for a child, especially an only child. Nahala's parents mean well, but wanted to make sure Nahala matured into a proper ambassador for the kingdom. At times, if no suitable partner can be found amongst other kingdoms, the royal family has been known to select spouses from amongst Agnomae nobility, which was another reason why Nahala's schooling and development was so emphasized. As a result, Nahala is very educated and a prime example of nobility. However, there are frequent underlying fears of failure and disappointment, and Nahala frequently grapples with imposter syndrome. The weight of the expectations placed on her are so heavy that she frequently uses her role as ambassador in order to travel away from the Kingdom and have room to breathe.