Recent content by Nahala Zorus

  1. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala would certainly be lying if she were to say she didn't appreciate the appearance of the bare-chested men that appeared with Kaena so suddenly. She cleared her throat, turning to Kaena and hoping that there was no navy tint to her face. "I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and...
  2. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    "Beautiful craftsmanship." Nahala gently skimmed her eyes over the hull of the vessel. Boats truly fascinated her. It was apparent that her people never had need of them, but she enjoyed observing the efforts made by land dwellers to explore the stunning expanse of ocean. The smaller stature of...
  3. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Words were not needed. Nahala could feel the fear and uneasiness in those warm, ancient eyes. Claws flexed in and out; a sign of distress. She didn't understand what exactly may have happened, but it couldn't have been good. Not only that, but something to disrupt these noble beasts is not to...
  4. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Warmth blossomed in Nahala's chest as her eyes met that of Noelani's. She hadn't quite expected this reaction, but it spoke volumes. She then nodded to Kaena, rising from her place and stretching briefly. The winding path the followed was so intriguing and beautiful. A host of different plants...
  5. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Several thoughts swirled in Nahala's mind, not unlike the terrible storm that they had all recently been subjected to. "Yes, of course..." She trailed off. Ideally, the grounds could be kept private and sacred; for the Lung's alone. But if something was wrong and they failed to intervene, there...
  6. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala stared down at her remaining scraps of food. "I see. If something happened to their nesting grounds, they may be swarming in search of a new home..." Her people knew a thing or two about that. Growing up, she had often been taught about how the original source of their magical power was...
  7. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala’s eyes were positively glittering. She had no idea that the food on land could be so colorful and oddly shaped. And that pig.... had she ever seen a creature such as that? Perhaps something similar in the ocean, but not quite like this. She almost felt embarrassed upon realizing how...
  8. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala was certainly relieved that the stitching was finished. Although she wouldn't like to admit it, it had made her slightly squeamish. Hopefully her skin wasn't a shade lighter than normal; she would feel terrible if she were to incite any worry. She approached the Lung's head, who seemed to...
  9. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Watching Noelani carefully, Nahala adjusted her movements to better match. She carefully slipped the needle through the Lung's thick hide, and they continued to pass it back and forth. "ᚫᚳᛇ ᚫᚩ ᚳᛤᚹᚦᛅ; ᛒᛤ ᛒᚱᚹᚹ ᛒᚩᚳᚢ ᛏᚪᚱᚸᚢᚹᛇ (Try to relax; we will work quickly)." She muttered sweetly, stroking its...
  10. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Eyes wide with surprise, and perhaps a twinge of panic, Nahala took the large needle in her hands. Her being of slightly smaller stature, the size difference of the tool against her small palms was almost comical. She had only ever used healing spells via the water; actually medical work was...
  11. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala nodded gratefully to the individuals who rushed into the water, easing the burden and helping fully bring the beast to shore. In that moment, the glowing in her markings faded completely and both her and Noelani were gently deposited into the shallows. She watched as another woman...
  12. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala had been so enthralled by the beautiful and intricate gate than had come into view that she almost missed what Noelani had said. However, it earned a hearty laugh from her. "My people tend to be fearful of land dwellers, so they do not often visit." She said this as she laughed, but her...
  13. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala listened very intently has the ocean calmly rolled them forward, quick but gentle. Watching as coral and fish passed beneath their feet, she looked to Noelani again. Learning about other cultures, especially ones connected to the ocean as her own, was one of her favorite things. "That is...
  14. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    “Truly a pleasure to meet you, Noelani.” Nahala guided her down from atop the Lung, allowing for the surface of the water to bear her weight as well. I hope I haven't startled her too much; this must be a lot to take in... She cleared her throat in an attempt to ease her self-consciousness. “I...
  15. Nahala Zorus

    Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

    Nahala watched with great admiration as the woman willed the water to cut at the mast. Such a remarkable connection to the water; the ocean must respect her greatly. A smile bloomed across her face once more. The warmth she felt in her chest seemed to confirm that. However, the smile slowly...