"Maybe not," Micha conceded after the failed spin, grimacing as he wriggled his toes within his boot in an attempt to dispel some of the pounding pain radiating out from the spot on which she had stood. Again. If he couldn't feel the nervous thrum of her pulse through her iron-like grip he would...
Dancing was about as enjoyable as it looked.
Every step he had to make sure they didn't collide with another couple on the floor. Gwynevere was crushing his hand making it difficult to try and spin or turn her in the way he was fairly certain he was meant to do. They probably looked like a...
The kelpie gave a wry smile and downed the rest of his glass.
"Courage, yes. Skills? I suppose we'll have to see," he held out his arm for her to take when she was ready before leading her on to the dance floor.
The Night Court did not focus much on the arts. Dancing, music, painting, they...
Micha paused and gave the Queen a dubious look. Did she really not know the Night Court was in the midst of a Civil War? Or was she just hoping he would say something that might help her own schemes? Thankfully the conversation moved on rather swiftly.
"Well, this is the best place to be in...
The kelpie shrugged his muscled shoulders and took up one of the slender flutes of wine. It looked ridiculous to a degree but he sipped with the poise that spoke of the amount of time he had spent in a court of vipers.
"Hunts are a way for soft Courts to keep their skills from growing rusty but...
"Perhaps a drink to muster courage for the dance? I am afraid I am rather rusty. If you are a little drunk perhaps you won't hold it against me," Micha's smile was all sin and unspoken promises, yet just managed to stay on the right side of being polite. He offered her his arm in a contrastingly...
"Micha, Commander of the Queens Guard," the kelpie bowed low as befitting a Monarch, sweeping his cape back over his shoulder and clutching the pommel of his sword to keep it from tangling in his legs. "A pleasure to meet you both and to offer aid," his words were an almost purr. Like the sounds...
The Kelpie's amusement vanished as the Queens violet eyes clashed with his own, wide with something too close to fear. Oh Hels, downing his drink, Micha set the empty glass to the side and, with one last glance to his own Princess to ensure she was safe, he strode across the room.
A firm hand...
Most of the tension eased from Micha's shoulders when the bubble finally dispersed; his liege had got what she had come for. He was fairly certain she would not lower the bubble for any other reason. When Glendora had her mind set to something, especially something so important to her delicate...
A hand gently brushed the Queen of Night's back, ready to pivot her out of the way should the pumpkin launch itself at her... only to smile and step back as the bubble formed. It was easy to slip into his old ways just after the Night Court had fractured and she had been unsure of herself...
There was no need for an army of kelpies when the Princess' Dark Horse followed in her wake.
Micha stalked her shadow like a faithful hound, violet eyes flickering from one fae face to the next, noting the faces he knew through whispers and stories and those who had not been worth the mention...
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