Recent content by Maelis Lutris

  1. Maelis Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    "But the mornin's a long ways away. Got plenty of time between us, dontchathink?" the knife bit deep, Maelis grit his teeth and winced. His legs kicked feebly, and when his knee collided with the guard he grunted and sliced Maelis to the bone. Maelis breathed in deep, attempting to recollect...
  2. Maelis Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    By the time the estate came into view Maelis' was trembling, his ankle ached from the journey and he walked with a considerably deeper limp. The grounds were dark, the manor looming over them from a distant crest of hill. Dim lights could be seen from windows, shadows of servants danced across...
  3. Maelis Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    Maelis sat quietly, one hand tucked under his armpit, the other gently stroked his chin in thought. The crowd grew quiet with every passing minute, the sun fading over the horizon, and in twos and threes they left. Maelis waited a moment longer, watching his clan and hope trickle down the hill...
  4. Maelis Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    A rising tide of bodies came for the meeting, far more than Maelis had envisioned. His life in slavery had been one of solitude. He did not tend the fields, nor fish from the rocks or mend sails like others of his clan. He had been secreted away into the manor, into the heart of Draguts power...
  5. Maelis Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    Maelis looked up to meet his brothers gaze. Freedom, yes, that is what it was, freedom. He watched the rock thrown into the bay, then chin dropping once more to his chest as he listened to Erendriel speak. "My days fair well, for what little time I spend in the sun," Maelis replied, and winced...
  6. Maelis Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    A film of sea salt formed on Maelis' face, eyes pinched to keep out the ocean spray. Seagulls squawked and circled overhead, hungry for crumbs. Maelis raised his weathered face, beaten by the years of his thraldom. Dull grey eyes affixed on the flock, searching their patterns, brow wrinkled in...
  7. Maelis Lutris