Alexandria Quinzell
Lexi is the opposite of soft curves and tempting eyes. Her stature betrays in a heartbeat her hours of dedication to her heavy broadsword, from the bulky muscles in her arms to her thick set thighs. Whilst some might be brave enough to call her a beauty it's often ruined by the permanent scowl she wears on her face.

Her hair is a dark brown and it is obvious she cares little about it, letting it grow until it bothers her before she hacks it off with her own sword. She tends to wear it loose with a scarf around her forehead to keep it back and out of her eyes.
On her right arm burns a complicated tattoo that is an ancient arcane binding spell. It is a deep red colour and often draws a curious eye, though if you linger too long she is like to scoop it out. She has a piercing in her nose and her ears and decorates them often; it's probably the most feminine thing about her appearance.
Other than that Lexi dresses simply unless in her glorious silver and scarlet full plated armour.
Skills and Abilities
Templar Training: Like all members of the Templar Order Lexi has been trained rigorously in the military arts. Her favoured weapon is her large broad sword which she can wield with both one or two hands, though she has been known to use anything to hand in a pinch. As befitting The Order of the White Raven Lexi has also been trained in the more... unusual styles of combat for a Templar including several martial arts focusing on hand to hand combat and 'brawler' techniques more associated perhaps with the lower levels of society.
Intelligence: All those indoctrinated into the White Ravens undergo a very long education that probes into the deep details of all things normal men consider myth and legend, and into the arcane. Despite her brutish exterior Lexi possesses far more intelligence than many give her credit for.
Gorgons Gaze: Due to her bond with the ancient being Gaia, Lexi is able to tap into some of her dark magic - primarily the ability to turn people to stone with a look. This is incredibly old and powerful magic and thus it takes a huge toll on Lexi's body. She uses is sparingly and it is often the threat of it alone that keeps her men in line. Consuming and sharing her body with a literal Goddess has also given her access to the creatures increased strength.
Arcane Magic: Like all White Raven's Lexi is practised in the use of Arcane and Old magiks of the world. She knows various spells that are geared primarily towards the entrapment and destruction of dangerous and old beings. Most of these spells are thought lost to most of humankind. As with all magic it comes with a price.
Intelligence: All those indoctrinated into the White Ravens undergo a very long education that probes into the deep details of all things normal men consider myth and legend, and into the arcane. Despite her brutish exterior Lexi possesses far more intelligence than many give her credit for.
Gorgons Gaze: Due to her bond with the ancient being Gaia, Lexi is able to tap into some of her dark magic - primarily the ability to turn people to stone with a look. This is incredibly old and powerful magic and thus it takes a huge toll on Lexi's body. She uses is sparingly and it is often the threat of it alone that keeps her men in line. Consuming and sharing her body with a literal Goddess has also given her access to the creatures increased strength.
Arcane Magic: Like all White Raven's Lexi is practised in the use of Arcane and Old magiks of the world. She knows various spells that are geared primarily towards the entrapment and destruction of dangerous and old beings. Most of these spells are thought lost to most of humankind. As with all magic it comes with a price.
Lexi's men would describe her as downright terrifying. She has a quick mind paired with a blunt and brutish tongue with a wicked sense of dark humour that borders on rude. She cares little for anyone outside of her order and sees them merely as an obstacle, a destruction, or doing lesser work. She prefers to work alone and is not considered a people friendly person. With her close circle however, that rough exterior is a little less abrasive and it becomes clear her manner is for her own protection against getting too attached, as well as necessary to command respect and ensure people survive the threats the White Raven deal with.
The Commander of the White Ravens is a heavy drinker and can drink most of her men under the table without battering an eyelid. She likes a good brawl and prefers her soldiers to cut the shit and be themselves. It's hard to win her respect but once you have it it is hard to lose it. Her anger is rare but legendary - One rumour says she hung her own men up by the ankles with their throats slit just enough to slowly choke them to death on their own blood outside the Sanctum as a message for others who got on her wrong side.
The Commander of the White Ravens is a heavy drinker and can drink most of her men under the table without battering an eyelid. She likes a good brawl and prefers her soldiers to cut the shit and be themselves. It's hard to win her respect but once you have it it is hard to lose it. Her anger is rare but legendary - One rumour says she hung her own men up by the ankles with their throats slit just enough to slowly choke them to death on their own blood outside the Sanctum as a message for others who got on her wrong side.