Lew is on the slighter side for an elf, standing only a little taller than the average human woman. However, she is far from frail and fragile, and is instead built with the lean, sinewy muscle of someone who lives a fast-paced, active life. Her pale ashen hair is wispy and wavy and kept well past her shoulders, though usually pinned back out of her face in some manner. Her heavy-lidded, upturned eyes are set in an almond-shaped face with strong cheeks and a pointed chin.
Most of her clothing is made up of found garments that have been routinely cleaned and repaired over time, providing for a very basic and layered look. She does own a few less plain trinkets, though those are usually kept hidden away somewhere and not displayed on her person. Lew does not go very heavily armored, preferring to keep things flexible with hardened leather and thick cloth padding.
Most of her clothing is made up of found garments that have been routinely cleaned and repaired over time, providing for a very basic and layered look. She does own a few less plain trinkets, though those are usually kept hidden away somewhere and not displayed on her person. Lew does not go very heavily armored, preferring to keep things flexible with hardened leather and thick cloth padding.
Skills and Abilities
Barriers and Wards - While Lew's ability with most forms of magic is woefully lacking, she is startlingly good at throwing up defensive wards and barriers against magical and physical attacks alike. Her barriers manifest as a shimmer of pale green-blue and can take various forms, such as convex shields, towering walls, and even encompassing bubbles. The larger the barrier, the more taxing it is to maintain. Her signature move is shrouding her own body in temporary magical "plates" to act as heavier armor while she only wears flexible leathers.
Spear and Javelin - Lew's weapons of choice. Reach, speed, and versatility. She carries a heavier spear with an edged head as her primary method of up-close combat, as well as three to four lighter javelins that she can throw up to 90 meters. Lew knows how to handle a shield alongside her spear, but she rarely carries one when using magical barriers is available to her.
Endurance - Lew's persistence and determination extend to her physical stamina and fortitude. Though not the fastest sprinter by any means, she can keep pace for impressively long distances. She doesn't easily succumb to exhaustion or pain and has been known to power through some ghastly injuries, at least until her task is done.
First Aid - Her decades of experience joining her adoptive family in their fight have taught Lew quite a bit about first aid. She can perform triage, recognize many ailments, stitch, bandage, set bones, and has some basic knowledge of medicines and salves. She is not, however, a skilled herbalist or surgeon.
Spear and Javelin - Lew's weapons of choice. Reach, speed, and versatility. She carries a heavier spear with an edged head as her primary method of up-close combat, as well as three to four lighter javelins that she can throw up to 90 meters. Lew knows how to handle a shield alongside her spear, but she rarely carries one when using magical barriers is available to her.
Endurance - Lew's persistence and determination extend to her physical stamina and fortitude. Though not the fastest sprinter by any means, she can keep pace for impressively long distances. She doesn't easily succumb to exhaustion or pain and has been known to power through some ghastly injuries, at least until her task is done.
First Aid - Her decades of experience joining her adoptive family in their fight have taught Lew quite a bit about first aid. She can perform triage, recognize many ailments, stitch, bandage, set bones, and has some basic knowledge of medicines and salves. She is not, however, a skilled herbalist or surgeon.
Lewlisaela does not afford herself time for doubts. She is a decisive, confident and self-assured woman who operates with passion and conviction. High stress environments are where she thrives with her ability to maintain a clear head and work well under pressure. She is tenacious and driven, and certainly audacious and gutsy. Some might think she's crazy, the way she throws herself into high-stakes situations, but jumping from frying pan to frying pan seems to be the only way she knows how to live her life.
When forming relationships, Lewlisaela is an open book. Outgoing and transparent, she really isn't the sort to hide what she is thinking or feeling. While the violent nature of her lifestyle may make her seem aggressive, she is fairly gregarious and companionable with a cheeky and sometimes sarcastic sense of humor. She is spirited, lively, and every now and then just a little bit mischievous.
Perhaps her most admirable trait is her loyalty. When combined with her tenacity, Lew becomes a steadfast and determined ally. The sort of friend who would go through hell for those she considers her people. Once she has decided you are one of her own, you can rely on her as a guardian, an agent, and a protector. When Lewlisaela is your comrade, no battle you fight ever has to be fought alone.
When forming relationships, Lewlisaela is an open book. Outgoing and transparent, she really isn't the sort to hide what she is thinking or feeling. While the violent nature of her lifestyle may make her seem aggressive, she is fairly gregarious and companionable with a cheeky and sometimes sarcastic sense of humor. She is spirited, lively, and every now and then just a little bit mischievous.
Perhaps her most admirable trait is her loyalty. When combined with her tenacity, Lew becomes a steadfast and determined ally. The sort of friend who would go through hell for those she considers her people. Once she has decided you are one of her own, you can rely on her as a guardian, an agent, and a protector. When Lewlisaela is your comrade, no battle you fight ever has to be fought alone.