Kaltain is the daughter of a merchant in Alliria. She grew up neither rich nor poor, upper middle class if you will. She has a rather large family of her mother and father, as well as two older siblings.
She's never had any real bad thing happen to her, she's lived a sheltered life in Alliria in her parent's home, she's never had a sudden family death she's lived in peace. However, this peace doesn't connect to her relationship with death.
Kaltain isn't a necromancer, she doesn't know what she is. Can she summon the dead? sure. But not in physical forms nor can she command them, she can just simply ask for the assistance of the dead. Since as long as she can remember she's heard the whispers plaguing her head.
The whispers of those long gone, they speak to her, talk to her, comfort and destroy her. They keep her awake and lull her back to sleep they utterly consume all that is Kaltain. At a young age her nursemaid realised she was not like other children, she spoke to things that weren't there, saw things that didn't exist. Her family deemed her mad and sheltered her within their home.
A mad daughter would do no good should her father's business partners find out and would do them all no good. The family distanced themselves leaving Kaltain on her own majority of the days but she never resented them, she herself thought she was mad.
Kaltain is wraith like. Her skin is pale and her bone structure sharp. She is a thin young woman with long black hair, her years keeping to herself show in her dull appearance. She isn't dull in the sense of lacking beauty, no, rather she has a haunting beauty like that of a ghost in flesh, the kind of woman you'd see shroud in a misty courtyard on a winter's day and ponder over for far longer than you wish. She looks as naive but also full of wisdom of having lived for many years then she truly has.
Skills and Abilities
Kaltain can speak to and see the dead, she cannot summon them in the ways necromancers can but she can ask for the help of the spirits. Kaltain resents most Necromancers as she feels they have no honour nor respect for the dead as they tend to resurrect, summon, and control their dead bodies like flesh suits nonconsensually. Kaltain respects the spirit of the deceased rather than the body as that's who she talks to. Should she call for aide and a spirit respond it would appear as a ghost rather then a physical body. However, she has no control over the actions of the dead and has a hard time allowing the dead to manifest in a semi solid state through her will as she never truly know their intentions. Her abilities are both a gift and a curse as the dead often have their own agendas.
She is quiet and demure. Kaltain could be described as shy but the word doesn't quite fit her, she has no problem speaking to others but she's often distant and unpresent. Due to her belief instilled from her family that she is crazy, she is hard pressed to form lasting relationships out of fear of her descents into madness.
She has the proper manners and speech of an upper class lady, and is quite polite. Despite her often seeming detached from conversation she is quiet and intelligent woman, and can absorb conversations around her. She has been known to have sensory overloads in large groups as she can't focus on the two worlds at once, these outbursts are often contributed to her so called 'madness'.
She has the proper manners and speech of an upper class lady, and is quite polite. Despite her often seeming detached from conversation she is quiet and intelligent woman, and can absorb conversations around her. She has been known to have sensory overloads in large groups as she can't focus on the two worlds at once, these outbursts are often contributed to her so called 'madness'.