Recent content by Jorge Velasquez

  1. Jorge Velasquez

    Excuse Jorge for his absence. He had forgotten about this forum.

    Excuse Jorge for his absence. He had forgotten about this forum.
  2. Jorge Velasquez

    Excuse Jorge for his post in the 'Roleplay' section, he has now realized that this website is...

    Excuse Jorge for his post in the 'Roleplay' section, he has now realized that this website is for a different kind of 'world' and will now post accordingly.
  3. Jorge Velasquez

    The ancient tomes are revealing themselves. Remember to go out and quest in order to gain...

    The ancient tomes are revealing themselves. Remember to go out and quest in order to gain supernatural powers such as Pebble Manipulation and Brick Touch.
  4. Jorge Velasquez

    Regarding gnomes.

    Despite the fact that he is quite possibly older than Jorge Velasquez himself, he is susceptible to the mind games of 'YouTube Shorts'
  5. Jorge Velasquez

    Regarding gnomes.

    Hortus owns an IPad and has recently learned of "skibidi toilet." It is incredibly disheartening to see him fall into this state, but it seems to be normal for people of his size, despite his age.
  6. Jorge Velasquez

    Regarding gnomes.

    Yes, he stumbled into Jorge's tower a few months back and has been living on a small hammock near his fireplace since.
  7. Jorge Velasquez

    Regarding gnomes.

    Jorge is simply asking to gauge whether or not to let his roommate access this website, he usually has parental controls turned on.
  8. Jorge Velasquez

    Today is the day to frolic and scamper for all those available to. Remember to forage wisely.

    Today is the day to frolic and scamper for all those available to. Remember to forage wisely.
  9. Jorge Velasquez

    Regarding gnomes.

    Are gnomes accepted as an intelligent race here? Or are they still widely regarded as jolly creatures with no life goals? Thank you, -Jorge Velasquez
  10. Jorge Velasquez

    Jorge Velasquez has learned to accept smurfs as a race, although they still creep him out quite...

    Jorge Velasquez has learned to accept smurfs as a race, although they still creep him out quite heavily.
  11. Jorge Velasquez

    The insanity of a man watching closely to a llama rivals that of one locked in confinement for 4...

    The insanity of a man watching closely to a llama rivals that of one locked in confinement for 4 decades.
  12. Jorge Velasquez

    Suggestion :Fregwat:

    Jorge Velasquez agrees. It is quite adorable.
  13. Jorge Velasquez

    Jorge goes into more detail about this event in his personal web page. He will not link it in...

    Jorge goes into more detail about this event in his personal web page. He will not link it in this comment however, as it is against the rules. If any of you wish to learn the tale, it is in Jorge's "About" section. Please understand that he makes no money out of this, it is just a personal...
  14. Jorge Velasquez

    Jorge seems to continuously trip down a single stair in his observatory, many bruises have been...

    Jorge seems to continuously trip down a single stair in his observatory, many bruises have been caused by this issue, so there will be renovating soon.
  15. Jorge Velasquez

    Interestingly enough, it seems that animating the wheels themselves in Jorge's electrical room...

    Interestingly enough, it seems that animating the wheels themselves in Jorge's electrical room was perfect to keep them running autonomously, therefore powering his tower. The only price was sacrificing someone loved to "The Pit" as it was called by the man who sold Jorge this power. Thankfully...