"Haka is right, grab the living and whatever dead we can bring with us to bury. We'll send for those we can't."
Iruna sheathed her weapon and grabbed one survivor under one arm and two dead under the other. She started walking in the direction of Phorasmos before stopping and turning her head...
A celebration? What could there be to celebrate in that awful place? Was this thing looking for converts in its sick cause? Hopefully it would stick around long enough to decipher exactly what this Omen had in mind.
"Who might this master be, that they can control spirits in such a way?"
When the boar was chained, Iruna felt safe enough to drop to a knee and catch her breath. She was still prepared, but not in immediate danger it seemed. What the hell was this thing that could chain such a beast? She refused to acknowledge him as a human, this monster that would unleash such a...
Iruna listened to Aeris's question, but the end never came. Aeris rose and walked as a woman possessed, a realistic concern considering where they were. Iruna considered asking where her companion was going, but something made her think the question would be useless. She simply followed with the...
"Two got away."
That didn't quite bode well, but it was better than any of their hearts stopping in their chests. They won, and that was most important. Iruna looked over everyone. They were all intact. The ward hopefully was as well. She turned to Tristan, and seeing he was okay, Iruna called...
Iruna looked out to the others, and it seemed as if everyone was in a predicament. Aeris looked far more sluggish than usual, Tristan looked like he might struggle with the Revenant as close as it was considering his weapon, and Haka had to deal with something new with that demonic dog. The Man...
On Haka's signal, Iruna rushed toward her opponent. The slight delay between the death of the wolf and her approach allowed the elk to react, dropping from it's elevated position onto the Mourner. The massive horns grew closer, and Iruna barely locked her sword in with them in time, putting both...
Iruna's eyes narrowed at the sight of the possessed animals as well as the corpse of the man. It was not anyone she recognized. They were clearly trying to destroy the ward, however weak their attempts were. They had to be dispatched of before any repair would be able to be done to the ward. She...
Iruna took the helm at her side and placed it firmly on her head. She didn't feel much, but she trusted Ghiran's instinct. She heeded her senior's caution. There was reason to be cautious, after all. No telling what could be waiting for them. If it were revenants, the spirits would stand little...
Good. They were interested. Advance. Iruna turned to address Aeris since her question was easy to answer before continuing.
"No. They're the lands of sand."
Efficient and informative. She turned her head to Tristan.
"It's very rare, yes. It made the trinket all the more enticing. The boy...
Iruna hardly saw the point of sending such an entourage to reinforce a simple ward. She stayed silent though, face expressionless. If she had any qualms, she kept them to herself. Grumbling wouldn't accomplish anything, and she wasn't enough of a senior to have the right to grumble anyhow...
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