It is better to stand and fight
If you run
You'll only die tired
Ingrid has sandy blonde hair that is usually worn in varying types of small braids and twists braided together. The light color of her hair is strange compared to the rest of her sisters, a trait she inherited from her father. Her skin is pale from spending years in the weak sunlight on Eretejva.
Her eyes are a light gray-blue, sometimes encircled by the traditional black charcoal smudges. She has deep set eyes placed on a heart-shaped face. In appearance, she more closely resembles her father, save for her muscled, if slightly smaller build.
She can usually be found wearing a thick cloth tunic with leather armor over top, and tight-fitting pants and leather boots. On her forearms she wears fur-lined leather gauntlets. She carries her sword in a sheath on her back, easily accessible by reaching behind her head. She usually wears a leather belt that carries an array of daggers.
Her glyph is on her shoulder in a circular knot pattern. It is her identifying feature when she is in her bear form.
Her eyes are a light gray-blue, sometimes encircled by the traditional black charcoal smudges. She has deep set eyes placed on a heart-shaped face. In appearance, she more closely resembles her father, save for her muscled, if slightly smaller build.
She can usually be found wearing a thick cloth tunic with leather armor over top, and tight-fitting pants and leather boots. On her forearms she wears fur-lined leather gauntlets. She carries her sword in a sheath on her back, easily accessible by reaching behind her head. She usually wears a leather belt that carries an array of daggers.
Her glyph is on her shoulder in a circular knot pattern. It is her identifying feature when she is in her bear form.
Skills and Abilities
Swordsmanship- Ingrid is deadly with a sword, particularly with broader swords. She was trained with a sword since she could walk and talk and her skill rivals that of her mother's.
Daggers- Ingrid can throw daggers and knives (and pretty much anything dangerous) with precise aim. She is also skilled at using them in close range, making her a true force to be reckoned with.
Svalen- She gained access to her svalen at an early age- encouraged not by her mother but rather Ingrid's intense competitiveness. Her bear has sharp teeth and claws and enormous strength.
Daggers- Ingrid can throw daggers and knives (and pretty much anything dangerous) with precise aim. She is also skilled at using them in close range, making her a true force to be reckoned with.
Svalen- She gained access to her svalen at an early age- encouraged not by her mother but rather Ingrid's intense competitiveness. Her bear has sharp teeth and claws and enormous strength.
Competitive, snarky, coy, coquettish, confident, blunt, and extremely loyal to those she loves and aligns herself with