Inarie Ash'Eldharin
Inarie Elvarium Ash’Eldharin is an old soul. Her origin story is lost to the ages and all that is known is that Inarie is an ancient elf born in Falwood, who holds no allegiances and bears loyalty to none but mother nature and herself. She lives inside the woods of the continent, sometimes travelling and sometimes staying in one place for a long time. She is friendly and approachable and although she's rarely seen in the company of others, people seem to have only good memories of her.
She appears ordinary at first, but many years of being alive have made her wise and powerful. As is the case with most elves, Inarie is a powerful wielder of magick and her weapon of choice is a large, enchanted elderwood bow – the Skorpion. Regardless of this, Inarie opposes conflict and physical violence, and uses her abilities to do good. Her alignment is likely true neutral and the elf happily goes out of her way to help whomever, rarely passing judgement on others. Inarie resides in the woods, seldom visits towns and cities and spends her days wandering the endless realms of the living in the search of nothing in particular.
Inarie is well-versed in many tongues, the history of the world and the species that reside within it. She’s knowledgeable and intelligent, and there’s no plant or animal that Inarie isn’t familiar with. Inarie is also an Alchemist: she mixes potions and brews elixirs of all sorts, and occasionally she’s even seen giving them to people who ask nicely. Living in the deepest depths of the forest, she sometimes meets lost souls who need a guiding hand, a place to rest or ointment to treat their wounds – and Inarie is always happy to provide those things without asking for anything in return.
Her existence is mysterious, but every once in a while a wanderer will hear tales of a hermit living in the forest, one that can provide a cure to most diseases, and they’ll go out on a journey to find them.