Grand Khordon
Grand is an elderly human, though in spite of his age seems incredibly lively. His head is crowned by a glorious white mane of long hair that reaches to the middle of his back, and a thick white beard that extends to the middle of his stomach.
His face is wrinkled and aged, deep lines of a hard life are permanently carved into his weather worn skin. In spite of the rough touch of time, his face is kind and grandfatherly with a mouth quite used to laughter and eyes that brighten with true joy.
In spite of his age his body is very sturdy and capable, his hands calloused, his muscles like steel cords, and bones hardened and capable instead of frail or brittle. The greatest sign of his age is his stooped posture and his reliance on his staff when he walks.
Grand dresses in rough Brown, green or grey robes, only rarely donning his college uniform for special occasions. He wears a tall pointy hat with a wide brim or a deep hood and always seems ready for another great journey.
His face is wrinkled and aged, deep lines of a hard life are permanently carved into his weather worn skin. In spite of the rough touch of time, his face is kind and grandfatherly with a mouth quite used to laughter and eyes that brighten with true joy.
In spite of his age his body is very sturdy and capable, his hands calloused, his muscles like steel cords, and bones hardened and capable instead of frail or brittle. The greatest sign of his age is his stooped posture and his reliance on his staff when he walks.
Grand dresses in rough Brown, green or grey robes, only rarely donning his college uniform for special occasions. He wears a tall pointy hat with a wide brim or a deep hood and always seems ready for another great journey.
Skills, Traits & Weaknesses
Wizard Spellcasting: He is able to learn and cast magic through his use of a spellbook and an arcane focus. He learns magic through intense study and memorization of specific spells to pluck at the fabric of magic itself to accomplish his desired outcome.
Old Traveler: He's got many skills from a life of wandering the roads, living off the land, dealing with its many dangers. He's an adept survivalist and hunter and can walk for much longer and farther than someone else his age.
Sage: With his age comes much knowledge of an incredibly diverse set of subjects. He knows ancient and new medicines and treatments, alchemy, spell scribing, spell crafting, rune scribing, herbology, entomology, zoology, cryptozoology, science, normal and arcane linguistics, and many other things.
Old Traveler: He's got many skills from a life of wandering the roads, living off the land, dealing with its many dangers. He's an adept survivalist and hunter and can walk for much longer and farther than someone else his age.
Sage: With his age comes much knowledge of an incredibly diverse set of subjects. He knows ancient and new medicines and treatments, alchemy, spell scribing, spell crafting, rune scribing, herbology, entomology, zoology, cryptozoology, science, normal and arcane linguistics, and many other things.
Runechild: His body expresses his innate magical energies as natural runes hidden beneath his skin. When he uses magic these runes begin to glow with stored energy, depending on the rune he can then activate them as a magical ability.
Sorcerer Spellcasting: He has a natural affinity for magic and is able to cast magical spells as an extension of his will, or a muscle that's been exercised to an extreme and become very powerful.
Photographic Memory: His ability for memorization is nearly inhuman, a trait that's facilitated a major part of his success as a wizard.
Sorcerer Spellcasting: He has a natural affinity for magic and is able to cast magical spells as an extension of his will, or a muscle that's been exercised to an extreme and become very powerful.
Photographic Memory: His ability for memorization is nearly inhuman, a trait that's facilitated a major part of his success as a wizard.
Bent: His back is slightly bent from age, he can stand up straight, but it's tiring for him to do for long.
Limp: An old injury keeps bugging him. His right leg has a bad limp, so he relies heavily on his staff. He can still run, but doing so is painful.
Limp: An old injury keeps bugging him. His right leg has a bad limp, so he relies heavily on his staff. He can still run, but doing so is painful.