Recent content by Glitchwood High

  1. Glitchwood High

    Open Chronicles Fal'Coven

    Those stairs were cold and damp, completely devoid of the distinct, ever-present hum of energy that the objects in Falwood were famous for possessing. Indeed, the stone making up that stairway was extremely ominous, as if taken off a gravestone. The stairs were not in pristine condition in the...
  2. Glitchwood High

    Open Chronicles Fal'Coven

    "Aestari perseveranti auctoritati EFFICIENTIA, REGALITATEM AESTARIEUM!" Finally, the spells had reached their climax. With this last line, starting from Perseveranti, each word was pronounced quicker it's syllables losing meaning, until the last few words were near gibberish-they were that...
  3. Glitchwood High

    Open Chronicles Fal'Coven

    Liadain, deep within the ancestral lair of the elves. A massive sprawling forest known to many as the Falwood, the great piece of land holds many a secret. Dangerous, powerful secrets that span decades, possibly centuries, all hidden deep within it's groves, waiting to be uncovered by whoever...
  4. Konin Hayes

    WORK IN PROGRESS This page is a work in progress. Therefore, it is not finished and may undergo critical changes while this message remains in place. As a courtesy, please avoid making minor edits to this page while this message is displayed...