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Konin Hayes
Basic Details
* Name: Konin Hayes.
* Species: Human. Well, human by technicality-in most ways, he is biologically sound. However, he was a suitable partner for his Aestari.
* Age: 36-Konin’s Aestari has given him the blessing of slowed aging. While he does not look it, he has lived for many more decades than one would expect. However, a sideffect of this benefit (or possibly just because of his own personality) he acts young enough to justify thinking him a teen.
* Height: 1.6 meters. Slowed aging has also made him trop petit.
* Weight: The average weight for a sixteen-year old.
* Hair: Solid-black, straight hair.
* Eyes: Solid, yet normal black. However, the purple tint in his eyes grows stronger according to how much power he is expending at any given time. At most, they are completely, solid purple at the height of his power.
* Skin: White.
Personal Details
* Occupation: Due to his (rather unfortunate) connection with his Aestari, he has been crowned as one of the ‘Guardians’ of the Aestari clan, tasked with spreading it’s influence, wills and beliefs all the time-and, because of his situation, spreading these with force, if needed be. While essentially being a full-time job, it really only constitutes him being fiercely loyal to the clan.
* Place of Birth:
* Affiliation: The Aestari Clan. Apart from that, his allegiances are quite vague, usually bearing some sort of sinister undertone to them. However, he does prefer to fight on the side of ‘good’ or ‘light’ or what have you.
* Home: Fal’Addas, the hidden city of elves.
* Aliases:
Konin is a young-looking, fairly handsome boy with jet-black, straight hair. His eyes, as previously stated, are normally solid black, though their color changes according to the exertion of his power at any given time. He possesses a round, somewhat flat face, lacking noticeable features such as freckles and facial blemishes, though his face was far from perfect.
He wore standard Aestari attire whenever possible; a long, sweeping, grey cape tied around his neck at all times. Hardened, leather gloves that prove useful for protecting his hands, though still remaining quite light, fit for travelling. Then, a grey, decorated leather vest sprawling down his body, reaching all the way to his feet and fastened with belts. The vest is made from the same material as the cape, though magically hardened to at least have minimal combat usage.
His boots are dark brown, fastened securely around his feet. However, to the sides of the boots are pockets in which he can dig his hands into the retrieve snacks from (he altered the boots for this purpose). Finally, the cape also bears a brooding hood and a large cloak that could be used to veil himself further if stealth should be needed.
Konin is a young-looking, fairly handsome boy with jet-black, straight hair. His eyes, as previously stated, are normally solid black, though their color changes according to the exertion of his power at any given time. He possesses a round, somewhat flat face, lacking noticeable features such as freckles and facial blemishes, though his face was far from perfect.
He wore standard Aestari attire whenever possible; a long, sweeping, grey cape tied around his neck at all times. Hardened, leather gloves that prove useful for protecting his hands, though still remaining quite light, fit for travelling. Then, a grey, decorated leather vest sprawling down his body, reaching all the way to his feet and fastened with belts. The vest is made from the same material as the cape, though magically hardened to at least have minimal combat usage.
His boots are dark brown, fastened securely around his feet. However, to the sides of the boots are pockets in which he can dig his hands into the retrieve snacks from (he altered the boots for this purpose). Finally, the cape also bears a brooding hood and a large cloak that could be used to veil himself further if stealth should be needed.
Skills and Abilities
Dark matter constructs: In a five meter radius, Konin is able to use magic to create temporary, yet physical ‘constructs’. His power is very varied-Konin can produce small blades, hands and (with a lot of preparation) wings and slightly more technical thing. Generally, bigger constructs take more time to form unless it has very little density; the rules of his magic are vague, but fair. If needed, he can fire enough generic bolts of magic energy. The price to pay is mana, a magical resource that serves as a secondary pool of stamina. If he should ever run out of mana…
The Sword Undying A magical blade enchanted by runic magic, Undying is a weapon that has been enchanted to be unbreakable. Not only this, but the sword can also receive and channel ‘mana’ into itself, strengthening it’s cutting capabilities according to how much mana was sacrificed. Finally, the sword can be summoned or de-summoned at any time back into his right hand if needed be, unless a specific magical restraint was placed on Konin.( https://imgur.com/HQMxkwP - Reference. )
The Sword Undying A magical blade enchanted by runic magic, Undying is a weapon that has been enchanted to be unbreakable. Not only this, but the sword can also receive and channel ‘mana’ into itself, strengthening it’s cutting capabilities according to how much mana was sacrificed. Finally, the sword can be summoned or de-summoned at any time back into his right hand if needed be, unless a specific magical restraint was placed on Konin.( https://imgur.com/HQMxkwP - Reference. )
Charismatic: No doubt, everyone can recognize Konin by his peculiar speech patterns and constant sense of humor. Ditching the generic, usual stoic-and-threatening feel of Aestari Guardians, he instead adopts a far more friendly and casual attitude, the kind that made him quite popular with people. However, this personality of his does not make him up completely.
Fiercely Loyal: From how heavily his personality is in contrast with that of the others in his clan, most would think that he bears grudges against them. However, Konin has been manipulated in ways that even he has failed to detect, and because of this he ultimately believes in the clan almost unquestioningly. Even when he does, it is as a joke.
Sinister: When working as what might be comparable to a bounty hunter all the time, it’s only natural that you become a little twisted. Konin is no different, resorting to torture and inhumane punishment if deemed necessary. As stated above, he is also not above being villainous in ways such as manipulation, if it is called for. However, he is with his morals.
Fiercely Loyal: From how heavily his personality is in contrast with that of the others in his clan, most would think that he bears grudges against them. However, Konin has been manipulated in ways that even he has failed to detect, and because of this he ultimately believes in the clan almost unquestioningly. Even when he does, it is as a joke.
Sinister: When working as what might be comparable to a bounty hunter all the time, it’s only natural that you become a little twisted. Konin is no different, resorting to torture and inhumane punishment if deemed necessary. As stated above, he is also not above being villainous in ways such as manipulation, if it is called for. However, he is with his morals.
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