Recent content by Fritz Erlain

  1. Fritz Erlain

    Fate - First Reply Death Sails The Sea

    “A town? My friend, this is the fucking middle of nowhere." he said seriously, just trying to define the severity of their situation. "Also, if there was a island with town, do you think they would just let us into their town? Let alone to take a ship? After we’ve gotten our bases checked and...
  2. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    "I thought I was being rather nice in giving you a chance to explain rather than continuing to tirade. This is me being patient." Wait, did that sound like, condescending? Like I'm attempting to lecture him? Not the purpose. Fritz, shut the hell up! He made a apologetic face and then attempted...
  3. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    Fritz sighed, realizing what a idiot he might be being. "Look, I'm obviously uninformed. I can see that. This is me now attempting to listen to your side. Maybe you have a very good reason for what you do that I can't see from my point of view." "Did we do something first to incite your ire...
  4. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    "I have no idea...Look, I'm not a dumbass. You don't like how I handled that. There is a simple lesson here. Don't be bad to me, and we won't have words. This is a dream. Us humans are here for a reason. Would it really kill you to not act like the rest of these head-in-asses? All I'm asking is...
  5. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    He said with a sigh: "Excuse me, you two, I'll be only a second or so." to his momentary companions and spun around, ready to put his two cents in the piggy bank. "It's not. I am one of the only "fucking humans" here, and I must admit, meeting some of your kind sure is disappointing for me as...
  6. Fritz Erlain

    Fate - First Reply Death Sails The Sea

    "I believe that, but for two like us, trapped on land trapped by sea, we have nothing but food, purefiable water, and time." "Building a raft can be our little quest. I....hmm, I don't know. It feels like It's been only a day, that's about as far back as I can remember from what I was doing...
  7. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    Fritz, satisfied with the explanation and words he had given the aptly named Crow, decided to walk around a bit. Ooh, there was something interesting! Two strange people in a dark corner...talking! That's what they were doing! Wait, not two humans or two fae, but a fae, probably, given the gen...
  8. Fritz Erlain

    Also I put a extra thing in a small OOC: tab I just added. Check it out if you want!

    Also I put a extra thing in a small OOC: tab I just added. Check it out if you want!
  9. Fritz Erlain

    Yis! That's what I meant!

    Yis! That's what I meant!
  10. Fritz Erlain

    Congrats on your first ever 100 post thread!

    Congrats on your first ever 100 post thread!
  11. Fritz Erlain

    Fate - First Reply Death Sails The Sea

    "Be well! I mean no harm. I know magic though, so harming me is not a harmless endeavor. However, I believe you to be a nice man. You showed great amounts of restraint in not trying to pulverize me the minute I stepped out from the oaks." He said. For some reason his voice sounded older than...
  12. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    "Eh, if they have the privilege to carry on unbothered, good for them. Also, crying foul when foul abounds sure does matter. In fact, I cried foul so loud our little friend-. No, fine. You may have a point. I don't know the customs or anything. Maybe manipulation of mind is just a casual...
  13. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    "I'm not talking about myself, you obscene fucker. I'm attempting to talk to the one who is actually the administrator of this little place. She likes buff elven men. Oh, and she's invisible. The only way you can really know that she's there happens to be when she uses magic to, in my case...
  14. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles Once Upon A Dream

    "It was good to meet you. I guess there is some truth in what you say." he said with a audible sigh. "I guess it's harmless to let my guard down just a bit. Were you sent by the Queen? Talking to you is certainly easier than attempting to communicate with someone like her. Not to slander your...
  15. Fritz Erlain

    Fate - First Reply Death Sails The Sea

    As Fritz trekked on through the leafy green palms and oaks, he reminisced on what else he had plotted to do after his adventure in fae territory. Maybe hit the seaside towns for some swashbuckling. After all, one of his top ambitions was to see the whole world before he died. Whatever that...