Fenic Creed
Fenic is a small girl, small enough one might think she were a child in spite of her being in her teens. Being a slave doesn't inspire much in development and maturity when only receiving one small meal a day.
Her hair is long and unkempt, her eyes grey and lifeless, her posture one of constant hopelessness and resignation to a life of misery and servitude.
Her body is scarred from repeated 'discipline' from the whip over her lifetime, hardly an inch of her body is left unmarked by the tearing barbs save her face.
As far as clothing goes, the only thing worth mentioning is the thin burlap sack that covers her dignity and the iron collar around her neck. No personal belongings to speak of, no weapons, not even shoes on her feet.
Aside from the whip scars she has a tattoo on her sternum, the magical mark that links her to her beast.
Her hair is long and unkempt, her eyes grey and lifeless, her posture one of constant hopelessness and resignation to a life of misery and servitude.
Her body is scarred from repeated 'discipline' from the whip over her lifetime, hardly an inch of her body is left unmarked by the tearing barbs save her face.
As far as clothing goes, the only thing worth mentioning is the thin burlap sack that covers her dignity and the iron collar around her neck. No personal belongings to speak of, no weapons, not even shoes on her feet.
Aside from the whip scars she has a tattoo on her sternum, the magical mark that links her to her beast.
Abilities, Traits & Weaknesses
Forced Labor: A Life of slavery has taught her that there are things worse than death, and things far worse than sitting down on the job or giving out before the job is done... She's able to work herself to death, if only just barely.
Monster Mind: The sole reason she's still alive, the only reason she wasn't sold off to die in even worse conditions... Her ability to participate in the Beast Games. Giving her the ability to connect her mind and move in the body of a magically and alchemically engineered monster.
Yes: She is weak... period... physically, emotionally, mentally, even magically.
She is almost like a walking corpse, a zombie for all the personality she has. Anything representing personality or free expression was beaten out of her long ago.
All that's left for her is fear and submission. She doesn't take initiative, she doesn't do more or less than exactly what she is told.
A well trained slave...
But to say she has no personality at all would be a lie... There is one place where she can express and feel, in the body of her beast, the Apocolisk. When she is the monster she can feel, she can roar, she can hiss, she can fight she can do everything a monster does and not be punished, she can put on a good show, she can kill her opponent and when the fight is done she can return to her own body and once again be the slave, Fenic.
All that's left for her is fear and submission. She doesn't take initiative, she doesn't do more or less than exactly what she is told.
A well trained slave...
But to say she has no personality at all would be a lie... There is one place where she can express and feel, in the body of her beast, the Apocolisk. When she is the monster she can feel, she can roar, she can hiss, she can fight she can do everything a monster does and not be punished, she can put on a good show, she can kill her opponent and when the fight is done she can return to her own body and once again be the slave, Fenic.