Feldspear is a wandering Fae on the hunt for warlocks, keeping a skeletal naga butler fed from his own power. The most important thing in his life, however, is his sister Malacyte.
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
Skills and Abilities
Weakness to Iron, Unable to Lie, Immune to Charm, Immune to Curse Glamour, Sight
Leyline Magick (fire),
necromantic ability(Domain of Dead Bones, necromancy used as a disguise)
True Name
Animal Form- Crow
Leyline Magick (fire),
necromantic ability(Domain of Dead Bones, necromancy used as a disguise)
True Name
Animal Form- Crow
<Feldspear is a jovial fellow, always willing to spend a little gold, or tip back a pint, in the search for people or information. He's not much of a fighter, but his undead naga bodyguard/butler is more than up to the challenge, usually.>