Recent content by Enderathil

  1. Enderathil

    Private Tales Question of Character

    Enderathil listened to his words carefully, digesting what he said, the tone he used, every nuance of his voice was not lost on her at all. He was like an ant to her, a magnifying glass studying everything about him as he scrambled atop the anthill. He was appearing to be humbled by his...
  2. Enderathil

    Private Tales Question of Character

    He was a legend, as they said. Indeed it looked like he was a carved statue, not quite real and tangible. She was locked in, the minute he raised his gaze to hers. There was no backing out now, she had his full and stoic attention. She kept her mind and her heart to herself though, she was still...
  3. Enderathil

    Private Tales Question of Character

    The chambers were full to the seams, with a very tangible mood permeating the energy of the room. There were many guest in attendance, and the tenseness was evident. It wasn't the fact that they were there, as much as it was the reason. There were various arguments, thoughts on what they should...
  4. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil kept her head up, even if her chin trembled. She couldn't bring herself to even look at Lómin anymore. She felt betrayed, hurt. She thought he had brought her to her end. She kept her eyes trained ahead as the grip on her arms continued her down the path to her supposed demise. Down...
  5. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Whatever was happening, it was happening all too quickly. Nolmo was enveloped by robed figures, vanishing amongst them. Enderathil's chest heaved as fear consumed her. The look that Lómin gave her did nothing to calm the wide-eyed fear that made her tremble. "Please Lómin, don't" Pleading eyes...
  6. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil was pressed between the two as they fell in step with each other. Their footsteps felt hollow and final with each time she set a foot down. Nolmo attempted to reassure her as they began their journey, but there was an apprehension in the air. Further and further, they guided her...
  7. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil waited anxiously as they closed out the performance, her hands still twisting in her lap. Lómin was the first of the two to move, and Enderathil followed closely behind. She watched as the children ran between groups, chattering and laughing as the played. Her kin were joined in...
  8. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    She had nearly forgotten where they were, so intent was she on the man beside her. He was slow and careful, she could see and appreciate it, as silly as it made her feel. She was trusting in him, something she had been struggling with, on whom she could trust with her fears. She found herself...
  9. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Lómin gave her a moment, one of which she very much appreciated. She fought the lump in her throat, composing herself, meticulously folding her hands in her lap. Every move was deliberate in calming herself from the discovery he had made of her. Surely others with the same information might want...
  10. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil paled, as she met his somber gaze. She thought she had been careful, hadn't let on that she was different than everyone else. Perhaps she had been too careful. She glanced away, biting her lip as she pulled apart every word he had spoken. He was worried she'd vanish too? Was there...
  11. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil inclined her head towards Lómin as he spoke, her eyes still facing forward as she avoided his gaze for the moment. Her eyes were fixed to stage, but her mind began to race as she took in the words he was saying. Many questions began to assert themselves in her mind, but she curbed...
  12. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil sat quietly, a wistful smile on her lips as Nolmo took to the stage. Her attention had been rapt upon the proceedings, unaware of how Lómin was studying her in the dim lighting. To her, this was an unusual excursion, but not all that unwelcome. She needed to get out more amongst...
  13. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Enderathil was a little stunned by the choice of material, but did not let it show. She trusted Nolmo to have had a proper guiding hand on appropriate material. It was a lot, it was not a particularly clean battle, still Nolmo knew what she was doing. Enderathil looked to Lómin as he spoke...
  14. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    The narrow streets drew the two closer together, but it was a comfort distance. They were used to the closeness of their kin, affection to one another more often than not. It was easy when you shared in the collective. They were quiet as they walked, but she took comfort in his presence...
  15. Enderathil

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    It was easy to walk together, just like their minds, their bodies often followed a parallel. There was no need to discuss where they were going, their feet knew where to take them. She was still surprised at Lómin asking for her in particular, but she did enjoy his company. "I just worry...