Recent content by Edison Attwater

  1. Edison Attwater

    Fable - Ask Wouldn't Change Me If I Could

    To say the least, Elliot Grantham was not kept around for his weird treatment plans and unconventional ideas on medicine. The Showroom needed someone to patch up the Bullies and be discrete when the brothers needed assistance. Granted, Edison was always the one to plead his case in regards to...
  2. Edison Attwater

    Fable - Ask Wouldn't Change Me If I Could

    Not a single person saw Edison slip into the cracked foundation that was Elliot's clinic, which was honestly probably one of the more solid buildings in the subterranean ruins. Staggering, unsteady, and with his face set grim and sullen, he likely should have caught a few eyes. Hardly being much...
  3. Edison Attwater