Recent content by Eamon Stroud

  1. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Yoru Sand and Sea Private Tale for us. Feel free to message me if you need.
  2. Eamon Stroud

    Private Tales Sand and Sea, a Red Dawn

    Yoru Eamon thrummed his fingers against the table of the little tavern and inn barely meeting the threshold for an established place of business in his book. But that was a case for the majority of things around the Black Bay it seemed. The warf they had agreed to meet at housing the easiest...
  3. Eamon Stroud

    Private Tales Dust

    The wind was always a bitter thing to contend with. It didn't matter if it blew cold air in from sea, or helped cook the ground below that bright yellow orb in the sky by dragging arid heat across the ground. In some way it found a way to creep past even the best cloak or clothing to bite at...
  4. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Yoru I can start something there yeah.
  5. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Yoru Figured that would be the easiest place to gather things before making a short series of posts shipside before making landfall. Either that or it could be that they find a place to have the bout in Black Bay itself as a sort of purge of sorts for Belyiyal finding the port has become...
  6. Eamon Stroud

    Private Tales Steel and Sinew, A Delving

    His heavy steps were rhythmic and easily caught. Something he'd learned to help make those around him feel at ease in some sense of the word. His covered features always seemed to bring back that lingering apprehension, but a nervous contractor was a healthy contractor. Even if they focused on...
  7. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Let's go on an ADVENTURE!

    I'll join this adventure if you'd have me.
  8. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Can work on something for the bout then. Possibly in a little side place unless Beliyal has a place in mind. Might be a good point to make a trip to black bay.
  9. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Will have a proper look after work tonight. Possibly gathering monsters and rando's for a gladiatorial bout for Beliyal?
  10. Eamon Stroud

    Fable - Ask Gwinholm's Sorrows

    Amelia Hawthorne Gwinholm, Valen Wilds -Mid Morning- The populace of the small town were on hard times. The landscape showing signs of work atop some sort of event that had torn the very earth from its resting place. Eamon had reached the town to rest. Speaking only when asked as he examined...
  11. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    That would be best. Jumped the gun on excitement. I'm game for any situation that requires his services, be it guard duty or standing beside Yoru on the field. Given Eamon is just starting out in his progress for reputation, working out a deal for his services in character are welcome to...
  12. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Yoru Definitely down for a collaboration. Go ahead and start a post and tag me in.
  13. Eamon Stroud

    LFG Bring Me Work

    Putting up a proper lfg as I'm seeking contract work for Eamon as a way to lore build and network across the world. This can be things such as a traveling guard for a single person to a wagon, a temporary guard for anyone able to pay, a sword teacher, being used to quell a rowdy populace of...
  14. Eamon Stroud

    Private Tales Steel and Sinew, A Delving

    William Dreixmond The sun beat down as it ever did upon the land. The rhythmic sounds of hooves and shifting armor filling the now silent air. The liver-chestnut nag following the gentle pull of the reins down the winding path that she and Eamon tread. It had given way of the typical...
  15. Eamon Stroud