Recent content by Dylan Bleathely

  1. Dylan Bleathely

    Fable - Ask One Big Game

    Dylan nodded, though he looked disappointed for more than one reason when the man said someone seemed to have stolen his coins. "A pleasure to meet you, Kiros Rahnel. I am Dylan Bleathely. It seems a good many of our residents are so... helpful." Dylan made a face of disgust. "But rest assured I...
  2. Dylan Bleathely

    Fable - Ask One Big Game

    Dylan nodded and shouted in the affirmative, though he couldn't believe his luck today, really. The man who had asked the question didn't look like he was from around here. Would that, perhaps, be his ticket out of here? He loved his horses, and his job of training them, having had an affinity...
  3. Dylan Bleathely

    LFG Friends and clients

    Kiros Rahnel sounds good, can you start please?
  4. Dylan Bleathely

    LFG Friends and clients

    Kiros Rahnel that sounds great! How would Dylan find out about the issue (since this is the first thread)?
  5. Dylan Bleathely

    LFG Friends and clients

    Ooooh this is a good idea! Where to start?
  6. Dylan Bleathely

    LFG Friends and clients

    Ooooh this is a good idea! Where to start?
  7. Dylan Bleathely

    LFG Friends and clients

    Horse trainer open for business in Cerak! He's also quite the fighter when need be. He'd like to eventually save enough money to travel, but has not quite managed it.
  8. Dylan Bleathely