Dorian Galanis

Dorian Galanis

Dorian Galanis

Biographical information
Akiva Sea, Southern Region. 20 (Human Years). Dorian is a traveler, who doesn't reside in one place.
Physical description
Tideweaver Kivren. Cisgender Male.
Political information
Traveling Bard.
Out-of-character information


Regal clothing representative of his class, light blue skin and hair, always carries a simple wooden lyre.

Skills and Abilities

Water Manipulation, the ability to speak to sea creatures and common.


Calm, persuasive, rational, light-hearted.

Biography & Lore

Dorian Galanis is a Tideweaver Kivren, a subspecies of regular Kivren that are less hostile, have a diet of both meat and plants, and have a particular affinity to water-based magic. Dorian Galanis is a younger Kivren with simple magic skills and a skilled voice. He, despite his age, was one of the first of the Kivren to communicate with a coastal village called Clearwater. He used his voice, and what was essentially a homemade lyre crafted from bone, string, and jewels, to attempt a negotiation between the villagers and the Kivren. Dorian was successful, and slowly learned their language. Satisfied with his accomplishment and recognizing his inherent gift, Dorian walks the lands to act as a diplomat and as an entertainer to all.