
Swamp Rat

Swamp Rat

Biographical information
Iuk'u Delta, Epressa Unknown (Appears 18-20) Iuk'u Delta (Moves between hideouts)
Physical description
Human Male White Gold Slight tan
Political information
Scavenger, occasional guide
Out-of-character information

"Swamp Rat" is the nickname given to a lone scavenger operating and living in the Iuk'u Delta. Locals will often refer to him those seeking aid in traveling deep into the delta or searching for relics in its most dangerous regions. One of the few scavengers who stays in the Delta year round, his persistence and reliability have earned him a reputation as both a dangerous and useful individual to know in the region.


The Rat is roughly five feet and seven inches tall with bone-white hair, golden eyes, and slightly tanned skin. His normal clothes typically consist of a greyish brown tunic and walnut colored cloak. When traveling, he compliments this with a bronze colored breastplate made from the carapace of an enormous beetle, a pair of wrist and handguards threaded together from various pieces of dark brown carapace, and a pair of thigh high wading boots made from dark green, scaly leather.

Skills and Abilities

While he isn't acquainted with the world outside, the Rat is extremely proficient at navigating the Delta, almost never finding himself feeling lost in the vast swamps and marshlands. What's more, he has a wide array of hideouts and is adept at keeping his or even other peoples presence hidden, either through careful camouflage or diversions using the environment. His survival skills come with the territory of his occupation and he has little trouble sourcing food and clean water, as well as finding safe places to sleep. Most of his gear is self crafted, outside of his normal clothing, and he can create more if need be.

Despite his reluctance to engage in a straightforward fight, the young scavenger is fairly skilled in fighting with his billhook, knife, fists, or even improvised weapons. More than these though, he is very accurate with his sling, whether using stones, lead bullets, or even special projectiles such as an explosive amber found in the Delta. His fighting style is usually a combination of hit and run tactics and simple brawling built on experience growing up in an inhospitable environment


Despite the harshness of his home region (or perhaps because of it), the Swamp Rat is surprisingly amicable to strangers, so long as they aren't hostile. Due to his occupation, he is used to negotiating with potential clientele and never finds himself led in a conversation. His demeanor is usually cool and calm, even a bit mischievous at times, rarely raising his voice above an indoor volume.

Despite this perceived agreeability, the young man has little patience for those who risk his safety or livelihood and can sport a cold hostility when such things occur. An air of hostility becomes painfully apparent when correcting the mistakes of those under his charge and repeat offences draw a great deal of ire, occasionally prompting him to leave these people to fend for them selves.

Biography & Lore


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