Recent content by Derenar

  1. Derenar

    Legend Event First Act: Scales and Webs

    The bitterly air cut through every slit of Derenar's cloak, forcing a shiver. He pulled its tattered hood over his ears as he trekked through one dim alleyway to another. Allir Keep wasn't too far away, covering merely a distance from the docks and the pristine residences in between localities...
  2. Derenar

    Legend Event First Act: Scales and Webs

    The boat's hull creaked and cleaved but not so much as to have it splintered. It docked to the port side bridge as its ropes were tugged to the timber piles. The process was slow and laborious but more importantly, the excursion was put to a comforting halt. Derenar's eyes drooped a hint of...
  3. Derenar

    Derenar Biographical information Birthplace Elbion Born Died Age 43 Home Physical description Race human ...