Recent content by Cynical Phoenix

  1. Zaid Ardin

  2. Cynical Phoenix

    Suggestion OOC and Subaccounts

    I'm not sure if this has ever been discussed before, but for ease of use (especially for new people who might not be familiar with various characters) it might be nice to have the "owner" of a subaccount displayed below with the "messages" and "character biography." I know you can find it by...
  3. Dark Steel

  4. Deep Steel

  5. Emril

  6. Deep Elves

  7. Dark Elves

  8. Drow

  9. Zathria At'Arel

  10. Tereth Adathar

  11. Cynical Phoenix

    That Introduction Thread

    Hey everyone, I'm Phoenix and just thought I'd say hi. I'm not new to roleplaying, but I've been looking for a new fantasy RP site to write on since my prior fantasy site closed down, and thought this one looked pretty neat. I've been reading up on the lore, and I'm looking forward to getting...