“I want to be a soldier. A hero.”
“You’ll grow out of it.”
-Cato to some ignorant lad
A mercenary with a reputation for getting the job done but also burning bridges in the process. He is liable to take most jobs as long as they don't make him feel like a complete degenerate.
The mercenary wears his experience on his face. There may have been a time where he could have been considered handsome but you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who still thinks so. He keeps his mop of unruly black hair relatively short and his beard manageable. Cato favors mail which can usually be seen though sometimes obfuscated by his tattered grey cloak. A longsword and shortsword can be found at either hip, along with at least one dagger.
Skills and Abilities
- Dual Swordsmanship - Longsword & Shortsword
- Tracking
- Magic
- Telekinesis [Average]
- Getting blackout drunk
Cato can be pretty rough around the edges, standard fare for one with his upbringing. Sarcasm and pessimism are his constant companions. Thus it should come as no surprise that most tend to find him unfriendly at best. Still, there are a few idiots out there who have chosen to follow him. The mercenary has an odd charisma that draws in others of a similar ilk. Cato tends to respect those who can hold their own and who have fought beside him in the past. While he is loathe to admit it, having friends seems to be necessary to survive in this world.
Oh, he likes coin and drinking. The latter often leading to the needing of the former.
Oh, he likes coin and drinking. The latter often leading to the needing of the former.