Captain Kelly Wells
Kelly Wells is the captain of the rough and rowdy gang, the Pirates of Saunders. Called by her crew a true Pirate Queen.
Kelly is a young lady with long blonde hair and a pair of turquoise eyes. She wears a red frock coat over a white shirt, a frilly collar, a yellow sash belt, and a red skirt. She also wears black stockings and brown leather boots. On her head, she adorns a red bandana and a black and gold tricorne hat.
Skills and Abilities
Leadership - As the captain of The Pirates of Saunders, she has an inept ability to command her crew at a moment's notice. She negotiates for the safety of her crew and her ship, and for the wealth they wish to plunder.
Thievery - Having been without money for most of her life, she learned the trade of pickpocketing and petty theft quickly. She knows how to snatch a few coins from the wealthy merchants, and how to snatch some food from the market without making a fuss, a noise, or people noticing her.
Survival - Having lived on the streets in her childhood, she is adaptable to all sorts of environments, being able to live in any filthy corner of a large city. She would do anything for money or food. Working menial labor, odd jobs, stealing, scavenging the garbage pits, almost anything barring begging or prostitution. When piracy work dries up, she knows how to get by
Intimidation - As a pirate, she has to be intimidating to merchants and sailors in order to get the best deal for their efforts. She uses her demeanor and her sword to scare the merchants off of their money. She hates killing, but she would kill anyone if necessary, for the safety of her crew, or herself.
Navigation - Being a seafarer since stowing away, she has a great sense of navigation on the high seas. Knowing where each port is located and where to find the best places to plunder. All she needs is the sun and the stars in the skies to tell her where she is.
Escape Artist - She had a few run-ins with the law and was thrown in the dungeon several times, but no matter what happens to her, she knows how to escape. Not just the cold walls of a prison, but any sticky situation she might find herself in.
Swordsmanship - She is skilled with the sword, and keeps one near her person at all times. From time to time, she would spar with her crew-mates or if needed, strangers at local taverns for money. She does not kill but can pinpoint where she needs to win a battle or to maim people without killing them.
Thievery - Having been without money for most of her life, she learned the trade of pickpocketing and petty theft quickly. She knows how to snatch a few coins from the wealthy merchants, and how to snatch some food from the market without making a fuss, a noise, or people noticing her.
Survival - Having lived on the streets in her childhood, she is adaptable to all sorts of environments, being able to live in any filthy corner of a large city. She would do anything for money or food. Working menial labor, odd jobs, stealing, scavenging the garbage pits, almost anything barring begging or prostitution. When piracy work dries up, she knows how to get by
Intimidation - As a pirate, she has to be intimidating to merchants and sailors in order to get the best deal for their efforts. She uses her demeanor and her sword to scare the merchants off of their money. She hates killing, but she would kill anyone if necessary, for the safety of her crew, or herself.
Navigation - Being a seafarer since stowing away, she has a great sense of navigation on the high seas. Knowing where each port is located and where to find the best places to plunder. All she needs is the sun and the stars in the skies to tell her where she is.
Escape Artist - She had a few run-ins with the law and was thrown in the dungeon several times, but no matter what happens to her, she knows how to escape. Not just the cold walls of a prison, but any sticky situation she might find herself in.
Swordsmanship - She is skilled with the sword, and keeps one near her person at all times. From time to time, she would spar with her crew-mates or if needed, strangers at local taverns for money. She does not kill but can pinpoint where she needs to win a battle or to maim people without killing them.
Like many of the famed Pirates of Saunders, Kelly is well known for her playful and slightly abrasive personality, which often appears boastful and rude, especially to merchants they have plundered. To her fellow pirates and theives though, she is pretty friendly and well-intentioned. She has a strong sense of fair game and camaraderie, sharing in the wealth of their plundering and thieving with her gang of fellow pirates, and often the people, especially orphans of the Areck slums. Even when other pirates beat her to the treasures, even when the thieving does not pay, even when she gets captured by authorities, she does not get upset or downhearted. She knows how to escape every time, and she does this for the love of freedom on the seas, and the love of her crew and ship.