Recent content by beanman

  1. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    Kony stared out at the vast desert landscape. The storm that the queen had mentioned had long passed, as the sky was clear and the sun was blinding. He took a few moments for his eyes to become accustomed to the brightness before he turned to face the queen. " For giving me...
  2. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    He tried to remember about the parts of his life that he hasn't told her yet. "My earliest of me waking up washing up on the shores of Bazaa, a city...ran by merchants. I was 9 years of age, and my mind was void of memory, of how I arrived there, of how I received so many scars. I...
  3. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    Kony awoke to the familiar voice of the queen beckoning him to emerge from his chrysalis. He the dark, moist walls plied to every slight move he made, but the integrity of the cocoon did not relent. He thrust his arm out with unexpected strength, ripping through the sac and causing air to rush...
  4. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    As Kony floated unconscious in the cold, thick liquid he felt as if he were lucid dreaming about what he were to become. The queen's words "dangerous predator" kept repeating itself in his mind, and it made him wonder what he would become. He never thought about his outward appearance before...
  5. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    Once again, Kony was presented with choices, though this time whatever he chose would only serve to benefit him. "I want to those oasis's I saw in the desert. But I won' fake like they were. I want to be strong give people real hope. Hope that they can live free...and...
  6. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    Kony looked at the ground, thinking about her proposal. Leave the lady who has shown him so much consideration, or stay with her to repay her kindness. If he left the hive, the people of Bazaa would still hunt him, but at least the queen and her people would not be associated with him. If he...
  7. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    "The food...was good, I...think," Kony said, "more than...the burnt rats...that I...get from master. For...the food...and...the shelter." He had never been treated with such kindness before, as he only remembers being treated like a delivery animal. He remembered that he was told...
  8. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    Two voices came from the pair of glowing eyes, one speaking words he couldn't understand in front of him and one that he could understand perfectly in his mind. The hall lit up a sickly green glow emanating from large green orbs protruding the ground and walls. Kony could make out the figure's...
  9. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    Kony awoke on a warm bed made of unknown substance in a dark chamber to the sounds of chitin scurrying on dried mud. He sat up, surprised that the pain in his stomach and throat due to his hunger and thirst respectively had virtually vanished. "Am...I...Dead...?" he croaked to himself...
  10. beanman

    Open Chronicles Running to Nowhere

    The hot desert air became increasingly harder to breath as Kony trudged through the warm brown sand. The metal shackles were loose around his thin wrists and ankles, but were too small to slip off his hands. He has been running for 4 days straight without food or water, but he cannot stop to...
  11. Kony