Recent content by Ashuanar

  1. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    Again, they traversed with their backs toward where they went. It was so against everything Ashuanar knew when confronting the unknown. And again, that ebbing feeling returned, almost whispering to him to turn around. His instincts agreed, and the tension in him rose in the uncertainty. And...
  2. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    Aside from the struggle of keeping himself upright, Ashuanar remained rather calm throughout the trembling ordeal. It the revelation that it was his own inner workings that had some measure of influence over what they were to experience, that perturbed him. As of late, as confident a warrior...
  3. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    The poetry of her words were not lost to him. He'd lived them. Breathed them. Salt in the air. Listless crashing against a hardened hull. Far from aimless. Her gestures were confusing to him, and in the dark - as much as he wished it to be different - he was blind to what she knew, to...
  4. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    He found himself, rather, quite content to follow after her, his hand in hers, his path quite clearly at her mercy. As one who led so many, it was a welcome reprieve from the weight of responsibility, regardless of the outcome. He trusted Fieravene - that much was true. But what he trusted her...
  5. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    Following her to the temple's maw, he came to a halt. Sand crunched underfoot. He beheld the great dark of it, and beheld too Fieravene's utter disregard for the gravity of where they were. Or rather, perhaps she offered it far more regard than he could realize. Perhaps his moment of solemn...
  6. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    Ashuanar could never before have fathomed such things as what she told him of now. While he did well to stay the shock from his features, there was a trembling within him. The way she spoke of what he had perceived to be of the grandest, most powerful of entities, comparing it to little more...
  7. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    "Cataclysms... like Drakormir?" He looked to her first, a sense of near amazement in his gaze, and then a look to the ruins before them, grand despite their obvious disrepair. But as he looked, he wondered. "Yet here it lingers, trapped in this place." Like he, in his vessel. Like Drakormir...
  8. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    He listened, intently. As she spoke, memories from his past flooded through his mind. They did not diminish her words, but he saw clearly where the things he had perhaps once understood of such a place were far from what she had told him now to be. He followed after her in a similar manner...
  9. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    "Only fleeting memories from long ago, stories I do not remember save for a few bits a pieces..." His eyes cast down over the ruin, peering from beneath the hood he'd long ago tossed over his head. It was quiet here, and not so much as a breeze passed by them. And yet he, as he had been all...
  10. Ashuanar

    The Empire Once Upon a Dune

    "You flatter me, my Empress," he said, passing her a knowing smile. He could not deny that he had wanted her comfort. Her hands upon him sent sparks through his skin, lighting his heart, soothing his mind and soul. He could not help the sigh that escape him, content as he was in this moment...
  11. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    Emboldened with determination, the burning will in him to preserve what he'd come to hold dear, he'd brought himself triumphantly to his feet in proclamation of his unwavering drive... to sit back down. When it came to these things, he hadn't exactly been known for his timing - at least while...
  12. Ashuanar

    The Empire Once Upon a Dune

    It was far easier for him to dismiss the weight of what he'd unveiled to her, of course. He'd been dealing with it for quite some time now, and had not sought to displace her footing so abruptly. He only wanted her to know - and then not to dwell. There was nothing for them to do about it now...
  13. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    His enraptured contemplation was skewed, quite literally, by the sudden swiped of a dagger. She'd have ended him then and there if she wanted, so enamoured in what it was that maimed him. He hadn't even noticed the blade until it was upon him. His reaction delayed, he winced a bit in the...
  14. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    He did not fully understand what it was she meant, by holding him back. His gaze fell to the armband then, a look of contemplation etching deeply into his features. If it was not merely sparing him of the plague, what then would it be keeping him from? Frowning, his eyes lifted meet hers, and...
  15. Ashuanar

    Private Tales Wrapped in the Wyrms Coil

    Far cry or not, he'd not had an apple in some time. He was in fact quite delighted when it fell into his palm. Paired with the small measure of pride that his keen sense had garnered him, a smile lingered on his lips while he set the apple just beside him. His demeanour dimmed with her shift in...