Recent content by Arkhivom

  1. Arkhivom

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    He'd have turned to address Hedron's comment regarding expectation with a smile, although he was not certain what such a disturbing gesture given his features might incite. Instead, he let out a chuckle, affirming the same assertions that both he, and Larewen, would be found far from having any...
  2. Arkhivom

    Completed On Toward the Burning Dawn

    Arkhivom was somewhat frustrated that the allied forces proved so shrewd, but in the same breath he was impressed. The Avariel were, to him, one of the more frustrating combatants on the field. Quelling them and their ability of flight was a high priority of his, and his initial fixation on them...
  3. Arkhivom

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    Larewen took it upon herself to answer for the skeletal being before them. He turned his head to her briefly, and long breath exiting him as his head turned back to Hedron while the prodded him a little more. And yet, he maintained his position, even pitching it with a great deal more...
  4. Arkhivom

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    Words like velvet fell upon his ear, and he stopped abruptly in his place. The low rumble of a pleased hum reverberated the air around him. Slowly his head turned, his eye gleaming just out from beneath his hood, and he saw the lifted, bony digits urging him toward. Ahh. One of my finest...
  5. Arkhivom

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    In the distance, bullfrogs croaked and crickets chirped. A hooting owl sat perched overhead. The weight of his step, even in the damp of this place, thudded heavily beneath him. It crushed through the mud and muck as though it were not, and his weight was known to those near. The bullfrogs...
  6. Arkhivom

    Completed On Toward the Burning Dawn

    At the flank, the guarded retreat was spoiled. Drow, of all things. Unexpected. The Aerai had made far more friends than he had truly counted on. But it mattered little in the grand scheme. It would go one way or the other, however the world willed. His vanguard force had been furious and...
  7. Arkhivom

    Private Tales Devils Never Die

    He nodded. Apostasy was the truth. The gods were no more than living beings like all of them here. They were capable of magnificent and terrible things, but in their core they were no different. They could feel. They could bleed. Be it through their own flesh or the flesh of their followers...
  8. Arkhivom

    Private Tales Devils Never Die

    "Perhaps you are right, but they are called gods for no small reason. This killer of the mind, they have wielded it themselves, we see its fruits in our enemy. They call it faith." He sat more comfortably into his seat. "It begins here, in this wretched land with these pestering elves, too...
  9. Arkhivom

    Private Tales Devils Never Die

    When their eyes met, he peered into hers with interest. Not only had she been the first to share her voice, but she had also strung a chord he often played in his thoughts. "Because Gods deserve to know fear as well." "There are few who I have met in my time who truly know what either gods, or...
  10. Arkhivom

    Private Tales Devils Never Die

    Beyond a few hushed voices and the crackle of fire, there was quiet while they entered in. But while the atmosphere was heavy, it did not weigh down in discomfort, there was no direct ire here. The way some of Arkhivom's lieutenants seemed to gauge those assembled was postured, but restrained...
  11. Arkhivom

    Private Tales Devils Never Die

    When a voiced called back to him, he stopped midstride. His eyes were upon her. A few others mustered the courage for some words after Fennec, mentions of freedom and glory, someone had a personal grudge. Like with her, his eyes moved amongst the crowd to those who spoke up. A few others, and...
  12. Arkhivom

    Private Tales Devils Never Die

    There was a great sound, the crashing ring of metal upon metal, and then the sound of many chains jostling. In the shadow of a dark tower, atop a dark castle, a large gate was drawn down. It came to rest with a thunderous thud, and dust billowed up around it. Within the archway beyond was...
  13. Arkhivom

    Fable - Ask Hic Sunt Dracones

    In this place, there was only firelight and darkness. Vast were its halls, with marbled floors and walls of obsidian. Its lines were sharp and pronounced, its shapes intricate and precise. Its presence was looming from every direction. From above, vast chandeliers of great fire burned brightly...
  14. Arkhivom

    The Syzygy A Desperate Defense (The Syzgy, Cortosi Coast, Allir Reach)

    There was no conscious decision that had brought him to these lands in particular. He simply needed to get where he was going, and this was the path that led him there. But, during his time traveling from up in the Spine to the south, a strange happening had taken place, and he was reminded of...
  15. Arkhivom

    Private Tales The Things Nightmares Wished They Were

    It was moments like these that made him remember, sitting here quietly like this with nothing but one another. His eyes remained fixed on the lesser lights above all while his darling sang that sweet, melancholy melody of ash and death and beauty. And for the first time in an age, he sighed...