Recent content by Amelie

  1. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Amelie's heart burned with pride in the young initiate they'd taken in. Without any real prodding she was admitting to going down the same path that had led Erodin and Amelie here. The smile upon her face only grew as she noticed the rune that Erodin drew. The same symbol she was well...
  2. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    ”That’s wonderful,” she complimented with a smile as Liv indicated she could track their quarry into the elven forest. Allowing her beloved to address the republic’s sudden interest in an alliance with their neighbors to the south. Only when Erodin had finished his speech did Amelie dare to...
  3. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Amelie exchanged the same perturbed glance with Erodin. She'd spent more than enough time in the pit and more than enough time sleeping in filth or on solid concrete to truly understand Livia's predicament. But, still... "yes, I find that I sleep fitfully if my lodgings aren't up to par," she...
  4. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Amelie leaned into Erodin's embrace, savoring the brief instance where she didn't have to worry about the logistics of their current situation or put on a false front to the initiate they'd suddenly adopted. "Excellent," she offered immediately to their compass, "just a day behind? That's a...
  5. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Amelie forced a smile at Livia's glance, simple kindnesses always went a long way. She was genuinely impressed by the girl's choice of apparel, however. All of the dresses that had been brought out looked gaudy at best. "I think the red will look nice on you," the words were spoken in...
  6. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    "She did mention something about a wardrobe," Amelie confessed whilst crossing her arms. This town truly was dreadful. Her interest was piqued as Livia explained the source of her hair color and the challenges she faced. "Magic shifting your physical appearance isn't unheard of it," although...
  7. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    I'll make sure we're far enough away. It was unfortunate that her husband would be having most of the fun on this first excursion but sacrifices had to be made. Besides, there'd likely be plenty of fun to be had before this mission was completed. Amelie walked with Liv in tow towards the...
  8. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    "Well then, Liv it is I suppose," she answered with a sly grin. Not long after Erodin had spoken his piece the woman and her daughter rushed from their home, offering three sandwiches to the Dreadlord and the academy initiate. Amelie took the one given to her and munched on it. Terrible...
  9. Amelie

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Amelie took Erodin's hand as she descended from the sky-ray and grasped it tightly. Kindness may serve us well here, love." A broad smile overtook her as she stared into his eyes. At least you're aging wonderfully." He had been in a foul mood for some time now despite her best efforts to ease...
  10. Amelie

    Dreadlords Negotiations

    Amelie stared down the child as Erodin explained something a proper Dreadlord academy should’ve drilled into her head day-after-day. It was a fact of life during her own tenure at that place. Reliance upon the aid of others was a weakness, one that Amelie and Erodin never tolerated in one...
  11. Amelie

    Dreadlords Negotiations

    A tinge of annoyance sparked, if only for a second, as the Krixus dog and his representative reiterated that the child was their gesture of good will. "A single initiate, and an oath of safety, for the next generation of an entire town?" Her smirk grew, her shoulders tensed, "no matter, I...
  12. Amelie

    Dreadlords Negotiations

    Amelie sighed just before her beloved, correctly, pointed out he knew what she was going to say. Almost in tandem with the wraiths vanishing every single one of the teenagers and children within the village dropped to their knees and let out a collective gasp. Unheard by the Anirian's, Amelie...
  13. Amelie

    Dreadlords Negotiations

    Initially, it looked like one of the Anirian representatives had planned to negotiate in tandem with the initiate they'd plucked from the bunch. Another Dreadlord, one Amelie did not know, whispered to the child as they approached. She focused her mind on Erodin whilst her physical eyes...
  14. Amelie

    Dreadlords Negotiations

    Amelie looked out as some of the Guard and initiates dispersed yet the girl they wanted remained. Huddled around the rat-faced bureaucrat they'd dismissed earlier. Perhaps some sort of bargain could be reached after all. A grin broke the dam of her otherwise somber face as Erodin kissed her...
  15. Amelie

    Dreadlords Negotiations

    The child barely flinched as she processed the reality that she was included in their demands. That was good, they’d need a compass that functioned. Truthfully, there was a part of her that feared they’d have tote around a sniveling little infant. As the Republic toadies milled about she...